Teaching Your Teen to Drive? Parking Etiquette After the - TopicsExpress


Teaching Your Teen to Drive? Parking Etiquette After the permit stage, your teen likely has basic parking skills. Now is a great time to ride along as your teen parks, and remind him or her of the following: • Suggest your teen park in less busy areas of the parking lot when he or she is just developing skills • Watch street signs when parking. If unsure, don’t park there. • Don’t let others talk your teen into parking in an area because “no one ever gets a ticket there,” despite signs that say otherwise • When pulling into a spot, make sure there is enough room for the driver or passengers to get out! A parking spot is no good if you can’t exit the car. • Make a note of where the car is parked. It’s easy to lose a car in a big parking lots. Snap a picture of a landmark nearby as a reminder. • Always try to park in a well-lit area with people around. It will keep your car and teen safer. • When leaving the car parked, don’t leave packages or anything valuable in plain sight • Keep others in mind when you park. Don’t make it impossible for someone parking near you to get out of their spot or into their car. • Teach your teen to look around and be aware of his or her surroundings when leaving the space
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:05:58 +0000

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