Teachings We have many many many teachings, from all corners - TopicsExpress


Teachings We have many many many teachings, from all corners of the earth, and all the four races. I have made the same mistake myself in the past. I used to be memorized, by the pretty bow and ribbon and fancy paper. Many a time I have struggled, wondering why I was. I found out. I had been so overwhelmed by the fact I got a gift, and it was wrapped in such a lovely package. I forgot to look deep inside, and discover the true, much more meaningful gift inside. I see this so many times in so many ways. I see pastor or priests, or Elders or whatever teacher you may chose, Have very wonderful gifts. I find though that so many have never realized the mistake they made as I had done so many times. They missed the mark. When this happens we not only mislead ourselves, we mislead others. So I have found, through constant and consistent review of each and every teaching I can find or know. I discover more yet even deeper insights from just that one gift. I will use my dear brother Jacob Wawaties, Vision, insight and teaching of turtle island. If I watched it once, I have watched it at least 50 times. I know I will watch it again. It is in essence, just one teaching a sharing of a vision. Yet I find it has within it self, a thousand other teachings and insights. I have found this with all the teachings of all the paths I have discovered. So when someone shares, something with you. Even if you think they are the largest prick on the earth. I now take the truth, and explore it. I find that, maybe they werent such a prick. Maybe they really werent putting me down. So if what, I say or how I word it, offends you. It is not I who offended you. It is you who chose to take it that way. Look at what was or is said. Look at the context in which it was said look what came before the offending word hit you. I believe you will find as I did. That giant prick and asshole who had offended me. Truly loved me enough to care, to make me think, so I could or can see what I am missing. As it is only I who can chose to heal and grow, just as it is you who chooses to heal or grow. I can do it for you, anymore than you can do it for me. All we can do to heal ourselves and grow, is to use the lessons we have learnt, gather our sorrows and pains, put them all out in front of us, meet them head on, and heal one small step at a time. All My Relations......
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 06:17:54 +0000

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