Team Champion Member Jon Palavi Shares his story with us- My - TopicsExpress


Team Champion Member Jon Palavi Shares his story with us- My Story Is Simple, I wanted To Live My heaviest weight in 2009 being 140kgs In 2010 enough was enough down to 133kgs I was Still a walking heart attack waiting to happen! I lived on Fast Foods nearly Every day for years; a home cooked meal was a rare thing but in saying this, it wasnt always a Healthy meal. I drank all the time, a couple of beers each night after work & Partied on the weekends like there was no tomorrow. Shopping for clothes was simply embarrassing as I was 3-4XL I would have others find clothes for me & I would just be hopeful that the items fit. I needed to change my life! I looked at my Son aged 14 at the time & wondered if I would make it to See him reach the age of 21 I wanted to see him Grow into a man & see him with his own Family one day. I looked at myself & thought SHIT will I make it to the age of 50? Things had to change before it was too late. I started my Journey April 12 2010. I was offered assistance but declined as I decided that the Monster I created, was the Monster that I had to Get rid of. I was told that I couldnt do it on my own. Now, those that know me Knew that I would be out to Prove all Wrong! I simply started by walking the Roads & then to the Stage where I managed to walk from Te Atatu to Western Springs & Back again. I got myself a Boxing bag, Exercycle & a Treadmill, created a plan & stuck to it. I did what many said not to; I trained twice a day everyday & on my 2 days off work trained 3 times those days. I called it SELF MADE & SELF DRIVEN I started eating cleaner to the best of my knowledge & I gave up Carbs at the Start, which for a Islander is TOUGH AS HELL! 6 months of my madness had passed & so did 51kgs The coming 6 months I worked on maintaining my weight, working on core & fitness. Trust Stadium became my new founded playground. Now with the ability to run I had a Track, Many Stairs & the Hillside to work with. I had many people come & want to join me seeking help & just wanting to better their lives as they saw what I had achieved with mine. That, to this day, is a humbling feeling & all I ever cared about was the results & happiness they got from it all. As I said to all... I AINT A P.T NOR WILL I EVER SAY I AM, BUT YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN ME, I ONLY KNOW WHAT I DO BASED ON MY OWN JOURNEY This went on for about a year people helping people & new founded friendships formed. A Turn of events & bad weather led me to Joining a Gym. In this time another Journey lay ahead, Build muscle & get stronger. Yet again I had people come along & join me. 3 March 2013 Somehow I was very lucky to have crossed paths with the Insane, Tell it like it is... Mr CT FLETCHER 💪 This man changed everything for me when It came to Lifting weights & working out. He has assisted me since day 1 & continues to do so today. He is why & how I am today in the Gym & I am forever Grateful. TEAM ISYMFS September 2013 I had the Pleasure of crossing paths & meeting another weight loss Journeyman. Someone whom instantly became my Hero based on her journey & hard work, someone whom understands the other side of life as I did Miss Georgia Spence 🙏 We began training together at a Place that I called GHETTO GYM, just a warehouse with Tyres, Rope & weights. From there we simply hit it off 💪💯 Supporting, Training & pushing one another. Together We decided that we would put all our hard work to use & set a Goal. We decided that we would take that next big step & Aim to compete. Georgia going Figure & Myself Body Building. We were lucky that Fitness Plus was Putting on a Novice Show. Date Set November 15th 2014 June 6th 2014 we went to See Mama T Tarren McCall of Champion Nutrition Well what is there to say about this woman that hasnt already been Said! Shes Straight to the Point Successful Kind & Caring. Nutrition set & the rest was up to us! I must Add Now that I am truly Grateful for all that Tarren has done for us, the kindness & extras all in such a Short time 🙏 Thanks again Mama T - Manchild😂 Comp time had arrived & I say it now I would not have got this far if it wasnt for Georgia, she was our strength throughout our time leading up to this day. All in Short we Reached our Goal, we made it to the Stage 💪🙏 As a Bonus & we both walked away Placing 1st in our Classes 🙏🏆 This being a Milestone 🙌 This Chapter ends, Yet another is being written. We are working towards Entering a Federation Competition Mid Year Additional Thanks to... Trainer - Catherine Coluccio Your Work with Georgia has simply been Amazing! You & Lelis Help & Support will not be forgotten 🙏 Mateo Petiasi Vaihu Thank you for Making the Time to Tutor & Assist Me before & At the Show💯🙏
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 02:16:43 +0000

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