Team Jobe is ready for the FIFA World Cup 2014 With the start - TopicsExpress


Team Jobe is ready for the FIFA World Cup 2014 With the start of the World Cup Soccer 2014 Jobe has selected a strong team. This team composition is based on the strengths and weaknesses of the athletes. Our own JOBE selection team will enter the field in Brazil wit the 5-3-2 formation. This implies the game will be played less offensive, but we are participating in this tournament to finish as highly ranked as possible. The selection of the team includes: Jonathan Kavanagh, BurakErverdi, Declan Clifford, Rocco van Straten, Tommy Swaan, Dylan van der Meij, Jimmy Siemers, Efi Levi, Joshua Brant, Antoine Goethals en Julian Cohen. Indeed initially they do not all come from the same country, but they are strongly linked to each other because they are already under contract with the Dutch organization Jobe for years now. We have chosen to position PWC rider Jonathan Kavanagh in the goal, because he can duck as one of the best with his jet ski and has great jump capability. Besides he is also very agile, fast and can keep good helicopter view. Overall our ideal goalkeeper. Throughout the championships our PWC rider BurakErverdi will occupy the right back position, because he drives a runabout and he can make good decisions when he is in defence. Burak will thus be an important weapon in our team. But also with Dylan van der Meij at the left back position we have a secret weapon. This kite boarder is unbelievably strong and dangerous with his powerful jumps. In between Burak and Dylan we positioned three big and strong defenders, It will be very difficult for any opponent to walk through this great and mostly strong block during the games. This wall of stone consists of wakeboard pros: Declan Clifford, Rocco van Straten and Tommy Swaan. On the right side of the midfield we have chosen for an experienced water skier who already has world titles on his name: Jimmy Siemers. With his tactics and experience he has a great value in our midfield. Central on the midfield we have chosen for our wake board rider Efi Levi who is loved by everyone and is the ultimate team captain. For the left side on the midfield we have chosen water skier Joshua Brant. He is well know for his tricks and, but he has proven in the past that he is able to achieve good results. In the front line you can find our strong duo, PWC rider Antoine Goethals and wake boarder Julian Cohen. With Antoine Goethals we have a young man in the forefront who is ready to go for it. He is able to show his capabilities to the public during the championships and promises to have a great future. This in combination with one of the highest ranked wakeboard riders in the world: Julian Cohen, makes a great team. We are confident that this is going to be our year!! Team Jobe (jobesports)
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:30:49 +0000

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