Team Melissa Update 10-15-14 Wow! This month has been a - TopicsExpress


Team Melissa Update 10-15-14 Wow! This month has been a whirlwind for all of us. Lawanna’s dad’s (and Gigi’s husband’s) death and funeral, and the relocation of 2/3 of our family operation to Fresno has kept us hopping. West, Lawanna, Gigi, and Papichka are in Fresno. I came home to do “The First Lady’s Focus,” a radio interview that can be found on’s website (under “Public Affairs”) and to be at the Super Fun Super Run for Melissa. Brian is in SF (and Marin County) with Melissa. This weekend Brian and his brother, Kevin, will be in town to have an estate sale in anticipation of the closing of the sale of Melissa’s house. Friends will be sitting with Melissa in Marin County. It’s all just such a blur. But it’s what we must do right now. Our house is a mess, attested to by the panoramic pic of our dining room, where all of the baby stuff sits. As of now, only Brians stuff remains in the SF apartment. Its an empty place for him, without his son and family. All of this, of course, centers on the needs of both West and Melissa. Brian has had to make some tough decisions about all of these things. We support him fully. Melissa is doing well. Lawanna and Brian were able to persuade Kentfield to keep Melissa for what will turn out to be at least the rest of October and most of November. She has been responding to treatments generally, gaining a bit more control over some of her body’s movements, and she is trying really hard. She and Brian listened to the podcast of my interview, mentioned above and in previous FB posts, and he reported that she smiled and that her body was much more active than normal during interview. That was nice to hear. The interview was in her honor and for her and Brian, so that was gratifying. West, as you will see from the pics, continues to thrive in spite of the chaos. Of course, he only knows this kind of life, but we are keen to give him as much stability as possible. Note that he is still impressing the ladies, but this time it’s an entire high school tennis team in Fresno (San Joaquin Memorial High). Not bad four a four-and-a-half-month-old lil’ peanut. ☺ You’ll also see him in some of his favorite places throughout the day. It’s a blast being an active grandparent, but it’s also a reminder that raising kids is for the young. ☺ Seriously, we never imagined it would be like this, and we love it, but it can be tough. (I wanted to sleep some more this morning, but he did not. Guess who won that one). We will continue to do our best to keep everyone posted. The next few weeks will be a bit challenging in that regard, at least until we get settled in. But know that things are good right now, if odd and new. Grace, Peace, and Love Papichka (John, Melissas dad)
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 15:42:05 +0000

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