Team Savannah would like to take this time to say thank you to - TopicsExpress


Team Savannah would like to take this time to say thank you to everyone who supports Team Savannah! Its at this time that we ask you all to please take the time to pray extra hard for Savannah and our family! We received some pretty gut wrenching information yesterday and we will take this time to share it with you all! One of Savannahs Scans are showing that Savannahs cancer has spread to her liver, causing the risk/possibility of surgery to likely be impossible (but we have to wait and see what the doctors say today)! We are leaning on our faith asking Gods will be done in all of our lives! Savannah is a very special gift from God and we treasure her so much, the next steps will be to see what the surgeon/doctors have to say and go from there! So as we continue on this journey with Savannah we will keep you all posted, we believe in a merciful God, he still reigns and he is still in the Miracle business! We pray if its his will to take this nasty cancer away than that will be amazing, but no matter the outcome we will strive to cling to the cross and know Gods Will will be! We arent giving up on his healing grace and we will take it day by day, making each day the very best it can be! So for now please take the time to lift baby girl up and continue to keep us in your prayers please! Savannahs in Gods hands! Thank you for the prayers in advance, our family could really use all the prayers we can get during this time! Talk to you all soon~ The Touchtons
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 16:02:01 +0000

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