Ted Cruz’s BOLD Move To Derail Obama’s Amnesty After Boehner - TopicsExpress


Ted Cruz’s BOLD Move To Derail Obama’s Amnesty After Boehner LIED On Friday evening, Cruz took a swipe at the president and compared his executive overreach to that of a monarch. “The president has justified this illegal amnesty by saying he told Congress what he wanted, and Congress refused to give it to him,” Cruz said. “Well, Mr. President, the relationship in our constitutional republic between the president and the Congress is not the relationship between a parent and a child.” “The president does not get to demand of Congress, ‘here is the policy I want; either give me what I want, or I will decree it to be so and ignore the law,’ ” he said. “That is the president’s bargaining position.” Cruz formally raised a point of order against the bill, which states that it violates the separation of powers provisions within the Constitution, language enumerating the powers of Congress, and language that says the president is required to faithfully execute the laws. “It is incumbent on this body to resolve those constitutional questions, and to honor and protect the constitutional authority of the United States Congress,” he said. Cruz didn’t get into specifics while on the floor, but in most cases a point of order is raised to derail legislation if a lawmaker believes the rules have been broken. Generally speaking, they require the chair to rule on whether or not the arguments are valid. In this instance, a Democratic Senator may have to rule that Cruz’s points are invalid, which would prompt Cruz to appeal the ruling then seek a vote from the entire Senate, which could likely derail the bill altogether. It’s likely that Cruz’s point of order would be the only option for Republicans to stop Obama’s executive amnesty plans before taking over Congress. When Senator Mike Lee asked Majority Leader Harry Reid if he would allow for a vote to defund Obama’s plan, the Nevada Senator simply replied, “I can’t do that.” The last I checked we’re a nation of laws, and as such every law must be applied and followed equally or else we risk undermining the rest. It’s hard to believe there’s so many people in elected positions who support Obama breaking the law in such a manner, but then again, it’s what has come to be expected from the Democrat Party.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 15:33:12 +0000

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