Ted Nugent Rips Obama Admin Appeals to Black Americans to Free - TopicsExpress


Ted Nugent Rips Obama Admin Appeals to Black Americans to Free Themselves From ‘Self-Inflicted Shackles’ of the ‘Racist Industry’ ____ This is one of the best, most honest Ted Nugent segments you will hear! Uncle Teds opening statement in itself says it all about what we are up against: “Just that there’s a thought or a phrase that exists that’s “Ted Nugent for President” proves how dire, how tragic, how i-diotic the conditions are at the hands of absolutely criminal corrupt America hating government. Led by a America hating president, a justice ha-ting attorney general, an absolute numb nut as vice president and a America hating secretary of state, both Kerry and Hillary “Benghazi” Clinton…” The main segment of this interview has been labeled by certain leftist Soros funded sites as a racists rant. I heard nothing racist from Nugent when he was practically begging black Americans to get away and stop listening to the race hustlers who are filling their heads with hate and a defeatist attitude! He actually praises many for their successes in life citing those from entertainment to political office. If asking people to “pray for black America” and your fellow man, to stop listening to the “big lie of Jesse Jackson and Eric Holder and Al Sharpton. That you’re not helpless, you’re not a slave, you’re not worthless, you’re not inept. You can do anything you want to do if you just get out from the self-inflicted shackles that have been brought upon by the race baiters and the racist industry…” is considered racist well then so be it I guess I’m a racist too! ~STR savingtherepublic/blog/2013/07/ted-nugent-rips-obama-admin-appeals-to-black-americans-to-free-themselves-from-self-inflicted-shackles-of-the-racist-industry/
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 20:29:44 +0000

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