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Tel: 01708 734366 / Fax: 01708 749421 / Email: [email protected] Home Childhood Cancer What We Do News Get Involved Theatre Shop Donate Useful Links Whos Who Recruitment Privacy Policy Contact Us Picture Here are just a few of the children we have supported recently... PLAYTIME APPEAL FOR OLIVER AND HIS BROTHERS Picture Oliver was diagnosed in March 2012 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Before he could undergo treatment, he had to be put into intensive care because his kidneys were failing. Oliver’s mum, Rebecca, said “It is the most devastating news any family can take in. It felt like our world had ended”. Oliver is now receiving aggressive chemotherapy, which he will continue with until June 2015. He also receives oral chemotherapy daily and lumbar punctures every three months at Addenbrook’s Hospital in Cambridge. The cheeky seven year old has one older brother, Phoenix, and a twin, Mackenzie. All three boys love playing outdoors but their garden is on a very steep slope. Lennox has pledged to raise enough funds to build a flat patio area for the whole family to sit outside together. If enough funds are raised, we would also like to surprise Oliver by granting his biggest ask and getting him and his brothers a trampoline with an enclosure for the garden. Click here to download our newsletter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIAS SENSORY GARDEN APPEAL Picture In June 2011, Mia was diagnosed with a low grade glioma of the optic chiasm and hypothalamus, which is a type of brain tumour. Following 18 months of chemotherapy, two blood transfusions and nine hours of surgery to save her eyesight, 30% of the tumour was successfully removed but Mia was left completely blind. Now Mia is seven, all of her treatments are finished and her Hickman Line has been removed so her family are learning how to adapt to a `normal` life without Mia’s vision. We are raising funds to provide a sensory garden for Mia and her younger sister, Ruby, to enjoy being outside in a safe environment. We hope to buy lots of toys and audio books to make Mia’s bedroom a sensory room too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The garden items we will buy are: ~ A pump powered water feature - with safe access for Mia to feel the water. ~ Wind chimes ~ Spinners ~ Herbs and spices ~ Outdoor musical instruments ~ Gravels and turfs with different textures ~ Fragrant flowers and plants Pictured above: Mia (left) and Ruby (Right) Pictured right: Mia (left), dad Ashley (centre), Ruby (right) Picture HOPE AND LUCIES APPEAL FOR A TWO DAY BREAK IN PORT LYMPNE Picture Hope Cole is a bright and beautiful 8 year old girl who lives with her mum, dad and sister, Lucie. Hope was diagnosed with an inoperable tumour on her brain stem at the age of four and after 18 months of chemotherapy became deaf in one ear which meant the treatment had to be stopped. In 2011, the tumour returned and the chemotherapy began again but sadly Hope relapsed and is now starting a new course of chemotherapy every week for 12 months. Hopes younger sister, Lucie, will be seven years old in March and, like Hope, is also a brave little star. Lucie has congenital myopathy and is dependant on oxygen for 24 hours daily. She is ventilated at night and fed through a tube which means she needs a nurse with her all the times. Hope and Lucie also had an older sister that sadly didnt survive this condition. In 2011, during Hopes treatment, the Lennox sent the family on a one week break to Shorefields in the New Forest to enjoy some quailty time together. Now, two years later, the Cole family are desperate for another break and would like to take a trip to Port Lympne in Kent. Port Lympne is an exciting wildlife park offering days filled with discovery for the entire family. The park itself is set in 600 acres of beautiful land and houses over 650 rare and endangered animals. The entire two day experience, including accommodation, will be very expensive so, we are fundraising to help pay for this relaxing and unique two day experience for Hope and Lucie, including luxury on-site accommodation so that they don’t get too worn out with travel. You can help Hope and Lucies dreams come true by donating towards their appeal on JustGiving. Simple visit justgiving/hopeandlucie and make your donation by credit/debit card, or paypal. Its totally secure and well make sure that the Cole family receive every penny of your donation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GIFT APPEAL FOR DILLONS DEN Picture Dillon was first diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in his kidney at just two and a half years old. He endured radiotherapy and chemotherapy for a year and had surgery to remove a kidney before being declared officially in remission. Unfortunately, four years after initial diagnosis it was discovered that Dillon had two new tumours in his brain and chest meaning he had to start the nightmare all over again. So far, Dillon has dealt with 12 gruelling hours of brain surgery, chemotherapy and six weeks of radiotherapy. As Dillon is often confined to the house due to his immune system being low during treatment, we are fundraised hard to get him with some home comforts for a den in his garden, such as a sofa bed, a television, Star Wars and Lego games, bean bags, lights, book shelves, toy storage, digital clock, rug, video intercom system, xbox with controller and games, folding desk and some high range walkie talkies to communicate with mum when in hospital. You can read Dillons online blog at: dillongeorge.tumblr/ You can also read a recent news story about Dillon in the Echo: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Picture Picture DEMIS APPEAL FOR TRAVEL COSTS AND OTHER TREATS Picture Demi is turning eight in February and for six years has been in and out of treatment for Retinoblastoma, which is cancer of the eye. Unfortunately during her fight, Demi lost her right eye leaving her nearly blind as she had such little vision left in her other eye. Sadly, Demis cancer has returned in her remaining eye and the traumatic journey has started all over again. Last time, thanks to your help, we supported Demi and her family with travel costs to and from hospital, winter bills and even some extra special treats in Christmas 2011. Once again, the overwhelming cost of travel from where they live to the Royal London Hospital has become to much for them to cope with on their own so were supporting them once again by paying for the travel costs to and from hospital. Demis tough jouney has taken its toll but the familys spirits have remained high and they are feeling positive about the future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRMINGHAM AND WORCESTER HOSPITALS CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS PARTY Picture Children, parents and staff at the painting table This year, we made the extra effort to give families some quality time over Christmas by funding a Christmas party for children at Worcestershire Royal Hospital and Birmingham Childrens Hospital. On Tuesday 18th December, staff from both hospitals and CLIC Sargent worked hard to host the special party for children undergoing treatment and their families. The afternoon was spent playing party games and enjoying a festive feast which included freshly baked mini cupcakes which were donated by Jenny Rudd from Birmingham. Toys and other gifts were given out to the children, including a selection donated by The Hope Hotel in Southend and from Debbie Francis from Sullivan and Cromwell. The Disney Store in Romford donated cuddly Disney characters such a Rapunzel, Nemo, Kermit, Belle, Ariel and Special Agent OSO, which were also given to the children along with selection boxes donated by Emily at the Character Group, Gill Bromley, Sally and Julie Bloe, Laura Hostler and staff at Centralised Legal Aid, Land Commercial, Olga Primary School and Stephanie. Over half of children with cancer in Worcestershire are diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, the most common type of cancer for children. Treatment for this type of cancer can take two to three years, which impacts significantly on their childhood and family life. Christmas is a time for families to get together and celebrate. But for families with children affected by cancer, things are not so easy and it can feel like life has been turned upside down. Fran Thompson, Lead Nurse for Children and Young People with cancer said: “Any amount of family time is so important, I’m grateful that we are able to help give these families some quality time and a bit of fun and relief over Christmas. We are so thankful to the charities who have helped us organise and fund the event, they even donated enough money for next year’s Christmas party!” One of the children attending the party, Jamie Whittenbury, age 8, was very excited to come along to hospital and spend the afternoon with other children and the staff who have treated him over the past few years. Jamie’s mother, Jane said: “Days like this put everything back to normality. It gives kids the chance to be kids, worry free and happy. Jamie is always very excited to come into hospital, mainly due to the fantastic staff. It’s like being part of a big extended family; I don’t know how we would’ve coped without the staff being so supportive. The families often meet up as well, it’s such a great support network we’ve got in Worcestershire. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. . Picture Ethan receiving a selection box Picture Hattie receiving a Lotso Bear teddy Picture Ethan helping Vicky Nash pin the nose on the reindeer BABY EVIE NEEDS A PROFESSIONAL CARER Picture Evelyn was born in January 2012 with the umbilical cord wrapped twice around her neck causing suffocation and trauma. This subsequently led to many other complications and Evie was soon diagnosed with severe brain damage, Cerebral Palsy and a movement disorder, as well as Retinoblastoma (cancer) in both eyes for which her tiny body had to undergo six sessions of chemotherapy in the hope of shrinking the tumours. Learning basic life skills including the simple concept of controlled movement will be a huge challenge for Evie and she will continue to require high levels of specialist support for the future. Now that Evie is home, mum, Aimey, is caring for Evie full time, which is no easy task considering that Evie needs such high levels of care and spends most of the day and night crying. Aimey is in desperate need of a Respite Carer to help to look after Evie so we are now fundraising to provide a carer for several days and two nights per week. This will give Aimey a little time to rest each week enabling her to give Evie the extensive care and attention that she constantly needs for the rest of the time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREATS FOR CHILDREN AT QUEENS HOSPITAL IN ROMFORD As a little bonus gift for Christmas 2011, the Lennox donated five Liberty Shopping Centre gift vouchers worth £50 each to the children at Queens Hospital. This will enable the parents to make sure their children still have an extra special Christmas while in hospital this year. Some recipients of the vouchers are pictured. On the left is Sophie and her mum, top right is four year old Aiden and his mum, and bottom right is little Ava with her shopping voucher. Picture Picture Picture EMMAS NEW LAPTOP FOR HOSPITAL TRIPS Picture Two year old Emma is from Birmingham and was diagnosed with Pilocytic Astrocytoma (a brain tumour) in January 2010 when she was only a year old. Since then she has been on many different medications and bravely fought through 18 months of chemotherapy. Like any other two year old, Emma gets very bored and frustrated during hospital stays which can make treatment even more tedious, so we purchased Emma and her family a new laptop. Now she can take this to hospital with her to keep occupied with lots of her favourite films and CBeebies iPlayer! It will also allow Emma’s parents to keep friends and family up to date on her condition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MITCHELL HUTH, AN ANGEL GONE TOO SOON Picture Mitchell Huth lost his two year battle with Neuroblastoma Stage 4 on Saturday 25th August 2012 at only seven years old. He fought hard against the disease and was one of only six children who underwent a new pioneering treatment to increase his chances of beating the disease by up to 60%. With the help of the Lennox and many other individuals and organisations, Mitchell travelled to Mexico to recieve this treatment which is still unavailable in the UK. Mitchell showed a very positive response but sadly this wasnt enough and he lost his fight. Just before he was diagnosed Mitchells parents bought a property in need of complete refurbishment but sadly, due to the high risk of infection which could be life threatening to Mitchell, he was not able to live in their home. With Mitchell needing full time care and long hospital stays, their income was dramatically reduced and so with funds raised by our supporters we refurbished the house so that Mitchell was able to live safely at home with his family. We are still supporting the family through this tough time with financial assistance and the purchase of Mitchells headstone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAMESS APPEAL FOR FINANCIAL HELP Picture James was diagnosed with Pituitary Germinoma four years ago at the age of 11 and is still receiving treatment now at the age of 15. The Pituitary Germinoma has caused brain tumours to grow and affect the pituitary gland which produces many essential hormones. This means that along with many other secondary conditions, James will never go through puberty. At present, James is receiving extensive treatment from Great Ormond Street Hospital and Addenbrooke’s Hospital as well as locally. The overwhelming costs of travelling to and from appointments, from where they live in Norfolk, has left the family struggling to keep their heads above water in an already heartbreaking situation. The Lennox is fundraising to provide the family with ongoing financial support so they can concentrate all their time and energy where it is needed most – looking after James and keeping up with his brothers and sisters! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUCAS BONE MARROW APPEAL VIDEO Two year old Luca was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia in May 2011. Sadly his first session of chemotherapy was not successful and now Luca desperately needs a bone marrow transplant. Right now, there are only matching donors for half the people in desperate need of a lifesaving transplant. Men aged 18-30 are more likely to be chosen to donate, but they currently account for just 12% of donors on our register. That’s why we need more people to come forward and be tested. Being tested is simple. Register online to receive a swab testing kit in the post. You just need to use the swabs enclosed to gather cells from inside your cheek and then send the kit back. The kit is free, but donations are accepted. It takes 10 days to get the kit and then about three weeks for it to be received and the testing and matching to be done. Click here to go to register for a swab testing kit today. This will not ONLY test your match with Luca, your details will be entered into the National registry so you have the option in the future to save someones life. Watch Lucas video and click here to register online for your free swab testing kit today. Luca needs a bone marrow doner from Tyronne Schaffer on Vimeo. TEDS NEW BIKE Picture Ted is four years old and just entering the maintenance phase of his treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Earlier this year Ted almost lost his life to an aggressive Aspergillus infection which often isnt survived. The medication for this doesnt react well with the chemotherapy either and causes a high risk of muscle and ligament damage. Ted bravely fought through but as a result, he was registered as disabled and over the last five months has learned to crawl, cruise and waddle again. Ted’s physiotherapist has recommended that he rides a bike to get his feet flexing correctly again. The trouble was, most children’s bikes weigh almost as much as Ted does and his muscles are simply not strong enough to ride them. After a little research, Ted’s mum found the ‘Isla Bike’, a specially designed, lightweight bike for children like Ted. Because of Ted’s condition, mum and dad both now work part time and simply couldnt afford to purchase this bike for Ted, so mum sent a heartfelt letter to Vicky Nash here at the Lennox and we gladly purchased Ted his new bike. Now there’s no stopping him, literally! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRISTOPHERS DREAM COMES TRUE Picture Christopher is 15 years old and was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour (Medulloblastoma Grade 4) in May 2008. Since then Christopher has endured 33 sessions of radiotherapy and was left unable to walk or talk. Through sheer courage and determination and against all the odds Christopher is now back up on his feet and recently sat his GCSEs with great results. Prior to his diagnosis Christopher was an excellent motor cross rider with a bright future ahead of him in this extreme sport. He has worked very hard to regain enough strength to be able to ride again and so weve put some money towards the purchase of a brand new bike for him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAHS GARDEN TOYS Picture Noah was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia in 2009 and sadly in January 2010 he relapsed. At only two years old, Noah underwent a Stem Cell Transplant in March, but sadly the treatment was not successful and he is now receiving palliative care. He has two brothers and two sisters : Zack aged eight, Jess aged six, Sam aged five, and Matilda who is only 10 months. Because of Noah’s illness his family will not able to travel very far and will spend most of their time at home, we hope to raise enough money to purchase some big garden toys (i.e. a trampoline) for all the family to enjoy the time they have with Noah at home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALEC IS OUR ANGEL Picture Alec was nine years old and had a tumour on his brain stem (pontine). His treatment regime finished at the end of November 2010 and all was looking well until, sadly, on Sunday 20th February, Alec had to be admitted to hospital and on Tuesday 22nd February he was moved to Helen House Children’s Hospice where he continued to fight his battle until Tuesday 8th March when he fell asleep. On Saturday 5th February we put a big smile on his beautiful face when Lisa Sherrin and a few of the fundraising team visited Alec at home for the official opening of what he called ‘Alec’s Pad’. It was a wonderful day and Alec and all his family and friends were so grateful. Thank you to everyone who, one way or another, helped to fundraise for this dream to come true for Alec. This brave little man will hold a special place in all of our hearts at the Lennox, forever. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANGELA Picture At just six months old, Angela’s body had had to endure more than most people do in a lifetime. She was receiving treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital for a tumour on her liver and further health complications cause by Beckwith Syndrome. As you can imagine, seeing their baby going through this put the family under immense stress, so we did everything we could to support the family financially through such a difficult time and allowed them to focus their full attention where it was most needed, on Angela! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JACK Picture This is Jack who, at seven years old, was fighting a rare cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma (a tumor in his tummy). Since being diagnosed in April 2009 he received intense chemotherapy and underwent surgery. Little Jack continued receiving this treatment until March 2010 and by which time we had raised enough funds to send him on a well deserved holiday with the whole family, including nan and grandad! In addition, we bought Jack a brand new bike as an extra special surprise Christmas present! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCARLETT MEETS MICKEY AND FRIENDS IN DISNEYLAND! Picture During her treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL), four year old Scarlett had to overcome many set backs including three superbugs and an infection that left her on a life support machine for five days. Scarlett finally started responding to her treatment plan and in 2008 she was finally well enough to travel all the way to Disneyland in Paris to meet her hero, Mickey Mouse, and all his friends! Scarlett went on the Eurostar with mum and dad and stayed in a luxury Disneyland hotel, all thanks to the Lennox and the supporters who work so hard all year round to ensure that we can keep making a positive difference to children like Scarlett. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMERON IS BUILDING MEMORIES AT LEGOLAND! Picture Cameron is two years old and has a condition called Neuroblastoma, Grade Four which has caused him to be paralysed from his waist down. After weeks of fundraising, we planned to send Cameron on a special holiday to the New Forest where he could spend some vital quality time with his parents, older brother and younger sister, in-between hospital appointments. Unfortunately, just before his holiday was booked, the family’s circumstances changed and they were unable to get to the south coast. We still wanted to do something special for little Cameron, so in August this year we paid for the whole family to stay in a top class Hilton Hotel for two nights and spend a day at Legoland, Windsor! We’re told that Cameron had an amazing time and the photos mum sent us certainly show it... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a free website with
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 11:18:43 +0000

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