Tel Avivs ongoing controversy over business and leisure on Shabbat - TopicsExpress


Tel Avivs ongoing controversy over business and leisure on Shabbat continues- In this round, Israels Interior Minister Gideon Saar gets involved and tries to stop a Tel Aviv municipal amendment that would allow small grocers to operate on Shabbat. The Times of Israel reported Hiddushs stance on this sensitive issue: Hiddush, an NGO promoting religious freedom in Israel, said in a statement Sunday that Sa’ar’s decision was “surprising and disappointing, and makes one wonder whether he has already begun investing in the ultra-Orthodox parties in hopes for their support for his candidacy for prime minister.” The Tel Aviv City Council amendment represents the interests of Tel Aviv residents, and raises anew the need to remove from the government’s control its ability to cancel amendments and intervene in the way the residents determine the character of their city, Hiddush said. Our original press release included an emphasis on the need to strike a more appropriate balance between the need of the city residents for convenience stores, mostly selling food items, and the desire to maintain the spirit of Shabbat. Unfortunately this was picked up by the Hebrew media but not quoted in the TOI. What do you think? Should Tel Aviv residents be able to shop on Shabbat?
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:30:19 +0000

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