Televangelist Pat Robertson admits on TV that Catholicism took the - TopicsExpress


Televangelist Pat Robertson admits on TV that Catholicism took the pagan festival of Saturnalia (Winter solstice, when the birthday of many pagan gods were celebrated between December 17-25)) and brought it to Christianity and called it Christ-Mass (adopted that day from the pagans as the birthday of Christ as well) but still endorsed it as to be celebrated by Christians. Another problem here, the lady says: Its the intent of the heart. Now, it is about our feelings and emotions not the word of God anymore. If it was based on the intent of our hearts, we wouldnt need the Bible at all. So, according to them, the body of Christ can take pagan symbols used to worship pagan gods and offer them to God. Furthermore, the Bible says, the hearts of men are wicked, evil and deceitful in Jeremiah 17:9, Matthew 15:19 and Mark 7:21. None of them provide scriptures on how the body of Christ should follow pagan traditions. (No scriptures at all) According to them it is based on the intent of the heart. Here is what the Bible says: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen,... Jeremiah 10:2 and For the customs of the people are vain... Jeremiah 10:3. God (Elohim) does not trust our hearts, thats why He gave mankind only ONE book. HE DECIDES THE WAY HE WANTS TO BE WORSHIPPED. Thats why I dont listen to Televangelists. I have the Bible and the help of the Holy Spirit Who is a Teacher. Many of the Televangelists have connections with Rome in order to keep the masses deceived and for the Catholic doctrines to remain in our Christian churches. So, according to him, it is OK for the body of Christ to follow the pagans. According to him, it is OK to serve God the same way as the pagans did. The last time I checked my Bible, it is still saying that we are the head not the tail, above not beneath. We are called to lead the world not the other way around. And no marvel; for satan (santa) himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 KJV Many Christians think they can offer anything they conceived to be right in their hearts to God. They believe God will receive it. Please read Deuteronomy 12. Idolatry + Our Feelings + Our Emotions -- The Bible = Deceptions Next deception in line: saint Valentines day (a Catholic saint being honored and worshipped unknowingly around the world on February 14.) Catholicism had caused almost the entire world to practice idolatry. It is now the time for our Christian churches to shake off all Catholic originated celebrations that have been left over from the breakaway of Martin Luther. READ YOUR BIBLE MY PEOPLE!!! https://youtube/watch?v=-FvT2wzKTmo
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:32:02 +0000

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