Tell Congress NO MORE CUTS TO EDUCATION!!!!!!!!! The House this - TopicsExpress


Tell Congress NO MORE CUTS TO EDUCATION!!!!!!!!! The House this week delayed action on a continuing resolution to fund the government for FY 2014 amid Republican disagreements over defunding the Affordable Care Act. With the clock ticking to the start of the fiscal year on Oct. 1 and few legislative days left, the House is expected to bring a three-month continuing resolution to the floor again next week. Unfortunately, the measure introduced this week would continue the devastating cuts set in motion by the sequester, which slashed education funding across-the-board in FY 2013 by nearly $3 billion. Already, the cuts have caused class sizes to balloon, eliminated afterschool programs, and forced 57,000 children out of Head Start classes. It’s time to reverse course, turn away from the austerity path that is hitting the most vulnerable the hardest, and invest in America’s children and their education. Check out NEA’s new analysis of federal funding that shows one in four students attend schools in districts that rely on federal funding for 15-20 percent of all funding – the sequester hurts these schools and students even more. The NEA-supported Senate budget would end the sequester in FY14, invest more in education, provide new revenue, and help create jobs. Keep the pressure on. Tell Congress to oppose continuing the sequester and that you support funding at the Senate level. No more cuts to kids and education! TAKE ACTION TODAY! – Tell Congress to oppose continuing the sequester and support the Senate’s funding level.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 13:11:46 +0000

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