Tell Dick Cheney: How Dare You Lecture us on - TopicsExpress


Tell Dick Cheney: How Dare You Lecture us on Torture leftaction/action/cheney-torture With the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee Report, it has become apparent that the Bush-Cheney administration sanctioned torture to a far greater extent than previously known. Americans across the political spectrum have been appalled by its contents. And yet, Dick Cheney not only had the audacity to slam the report before it was released, he is actually continuing to defend these actions, lecturing Americans about how the people responsible for this torture should be praised: As far as I’m concerned, they ought to be decorated, not criticized. Given the contents of the report, Cheney should consider himself lucky that hes able to deliver such jaw-dropping nonsense from the comfort of a TV studio, rather than a maximum-security prison. And yet, he has the audacity to double down on it. Send a message to Dick Cheney. Tell him he can keep his torture lectures to himself. leftaction/action/cheney-torture
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:57:22 +0000

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