Tell a story: Ill tell ya, she said. I should just leave this - TopicsExpress


Tell a story: Ill tell ya, she said. I should just leave this place. I think so many times about just packing up and leaving Superior. Head down to the Twin Cities, where theres more, she said. Just, I dont know, a lot of more. She - Krisi I think she said her name was - she paused right then while we stood on the desolate shore of Gitche Gumee under a strangely pink sunrise sky. She looked out at Lake Superior. She glanced at her two labs, one black, the other creamy yellow, swimming in and running around the water. In slow, just-woke-up-not-too-long-ago fashion, I tried to develop a response while I turned my head and followed her gaze. The dogs came around, dripping wet with lake water, sniffing at my feet and hands.They - if I had to guess - were very curious what I was all about. I wouldnt disagree with such a move, I think. Places like this, I almost said, are beautiful to visit and photograph, like I was doing the moment Krisi and her dogs appeared in my viewfinder. Still, Im a city kind of guy. And Minneapolis, I thought. I started to internally smile as I brought to the surface memories of when I lived there for a short few months almost 30 years ago. But then ... she said, breaking her pause. I shook my memories and response away. I come here in the mornings, she said. At dawn. like right now. I come here as often as I can with the dogs. Everyone I work with thinks Im kinda nuts for getting up so early to do this. But they dont know. They have no idea, you know? All because they wont get out of bed to see where they live. I shake my head up and down, knowing of the beautiful images that are burned on my memory card and seared into my brain, knowing that there are only two people on this rough, driftwood-laden beach for miles in either direction. Did you see that pink? Did you see it? she said, her tone rising a bit with what I imagine to be excitement. Just look at this. It is absolutely amazing. So, I think about leaving, and then I think no. Theres no place like this for me or my dogs in the Cities. Not like THIS, she said, sweeping her arm with a gesture that nearly took my head off. Nothing even close. I come here, she said. And I see this, I experience this. And I know, I could never leave.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:37:35 +0000

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