Tell me what it takes to be the best, because I am not interested - TopicsExpress


Tell me what it takes to be the best, because I am not interested in being just like the rest. Growing up with 6 wonderful siblings I was often encouraged and motivated and driven to be the success that I am working so hard at being today. They told me of my worth and that even though some might not appreciate it, I was still worth it. The word cant was banned. It wasnt used. It was replaced with How Can I? Another favorite saying was...Whats the worst thing they can say...? No? If so then move on... you didnt want that anyway! We didnt do without or at least we didnt worry about it... we didnt do with too much with as well... but there was enough. I was taught early on to earn and create and to value. I learned that real leaders didnt wait for everyone to approve of what it was they were doing... they just did it because it was right and they wanted to. I am reminded also that it doesnt take the keenest, the sharpest or smartest or the most popular to succeed... it just takes you, God and your determination to do what is right. In 6th Grade Ms. Varin was our Homeroom Teacher... what a lady... what a teacher. The 6th Grade decided to have a 3 Pitch Softball Tournament between all of the classes in the 6th Grade and back in those days there were 25-35 students in a class. In my class I was only 1 of 3 boys that had actual organized baseball experience at the competitive level. I was voted captain and coach. Understand that the other classes were not as anemic in their available talent and they were positive that by their sheer numbers and experience that this Double Elimination Tournament Trophy already had their collective names engraved upon it. Remember the movie... No no no guys...there are TWO Os in GOOSE! I digress. So we set to training and preparing for this tournament that would take place the last week of scheduled school. Batting practice was a must and so I decided that we would give those with the least experience the most practice... reminder that how well the pitch was thrown or how poorly it went across the plate you only got 3. So I also took upon myself the role of pitcher since no one else would step up to that challenge. You see... I pitched to my own team... they pitched to theirs. So I studied each persons favorite spot to swing and allowed that the ball went through that zone... they got pretty darn good. Fielding was also a must... we did a LOT of throwing and catching... Just throwing and catching over and over and over again... they almost mutinied over it! On game day we were as prepared as we could be. out of our 32 players 21 were young ladies and several of the boys had similar skills as one would expect of someone who never wore a glove or threw a ball. As the other team players would come up to bat we would shift our players ensuring the best we could that the most capable would be in position to handle the situation. The rest we strategically placed in overlapping fashion so that if it got past one it would not likely get past another... it worked. When the power hitters came up we put our strongest catchers so deep into the outfield that they could not hit it past them figuring that running up was much better than running back. It worked. Each time it worked my team of misfits got more confident and more sure of themselves and of our game plan. Each time they stepped up I would look around to see the weakest zones and then direct them to hit it there... and they did it! Soon a throw out at 1st base was COMMON! A long fly ball became a routine out! It was fun and they were having FUN! They were WINNING! And we WON the tournament! The least likely to succeed succeeded! Not only did we win the tournament we won without a single loss! So... its a simple matter really. We persisted, we were determined, we worked harder than the others for it and we were prepared. God seems to honor those that so live their lives. And what does that have to do with us here at Treanor Chiropractic Wellness Center? We are not the most popular, the best looking or the smartest or most prestigious... But we do not let that get in the way. We do our very best and work hard at constantly getting it better. Dedication to that helps us be more dedicated to you. So come and win with us...its your lifetime of Wellness that we are trying to deliver. Come and get it!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 20:34:34 +0000

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