Tell me what you think: In the dark I can’t see but I wait. I - TopicsExpress


Tell me what you think: In the dark I can’t see but I wait. I don’t know what I wait for but I wait. I can feel moving and pulsating throughout my body but I wait. It’s quiet with a low rumbling sound behind these safe walls I am. I know nothing other than I wait. Something is different now. Is this what I await? I feel exposed in parts and see gray instead of dark. This must be what it is because I want to stretch but I can’t seem to move. I feel taller but I still can’t see. I guess I continue to wait. The noise is louder and the gray is fading. I see colors green and brown. I don’t know how I see but these I see. I understand this is right and where I should be. The desire I feel is to stand and stretch but still I see down at green and brown. I continue to wait. In the midst of waiting I see things. These things move but I don’t. They move and walk upon the areas of green and brown I see. Because of their teeth and feet I understand that I see myself and they’re walking on me. They bite and lay down as if I don’t understand. Oh but I understand and wait. My greatest desire is to stand tall and stretch. I know that will take care of all. These creatures continue to bite and crawl but now I see outwards, no longer downwards. Oh but my desire is to look up and stretch, if only but instead I continue to wait. These so tiny creatures seem not to grow and only stay a while. I must be better than they because I grow and stand taller than they. But as my eyes adjust to the beauty before me I understand that I’m small in comparison to all around me. The beauty is magnificent. I see trees that stand tall and grass that wave in the wind. I also see these tiny creatures that crawl on me crawl over them. They’re so insignificant in comparison to the strength of height I see. Oh how I wish to stand tall as they and stretch. I realize that my little body cannot even compare but I continue to desire to stand tall and stretch. Even though this is what I desire, I humble myself to the greater beauty surrounding me. I do my best to accent them by trying to stand tall and stretch. I now understand that I’m here to make them look beautiful. I can only hope that I succeed. I continue to wait and see. I now see more than green and brown. I see pink and blue as I now face upward. I stand tall and imagine myself as beautiful as the trees and grass surrounding me. I finally begin to feel myself stretch and oh how good that feels. I completely forget about the little creatures that crawled on me and ate my body. I’m bigger than they but not as big as the trees. But that does not bother me just like the creatures did not bother me. I simply want to stretch and look my best for the trees surrounding me. Now I see the blue sky and realize the pink are my petals. They’ve fully expanded and stretched. Oh how good it feels. In this moment I’m exposed to all the elements and can see everything. I’m wiser now and understand the important role of who I am as other creatures come to drink my nectar. I also see bigger creatures eat away the ones that ate away my flesh. I’m glad. This is also when I’m the most vulnerable. The trees can only protect me so far. The wind and rain strikes me but yet I stand. In my wiser understanding, I know that those little black creatures that crawled and ate my skin toughened me up to handle the larger threat from the elements. So having achieved my desire, now what happens? I keep stretching but something doesn’t feel right. Yes I stand against the rain and wind but I no longer continue to grow. Instead I begin to whither. I’m no longer beautiful and cannot compare to anything around me. Because of this, I no longer want to look up. My desires have changed. I now want to let go. Again this feels right letting go but I fight it. I was made strong by the black creatures and protected by the trees. I’m important in feeding the flying creatures but yet my new desire is to let go. It is so strong. This must be right and finally I let go. I weep as I see myself bent over with my withered pink petals on the ground. Oh the devastation of what became of my life. I couldn’t hold on and now I’m lost. But wait, I see something different. Something has lifted me up and holds me up to His eyes. He looks at me with love and curiosity. I wish He wouldn’t look at me as such because I’m withered, old, and lost. He says, “Welcome home my love. You have done what I needed you to do. Now you can rest here with me. I’ll provide you the light and sustenance you need to continue to stand strong and tall. There will no longer be any black creatures crawling and eating you. There will no longer be any rain and wind trying to knock you down. This is your home now. You are safe and can stand tall and strong.” I look into His eyes with hope and know this is right. I trust Him with all my being and sigh. He places me in His garden and I stand tall and strong as I bask in His light.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 20:43:30 +0000

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