Tell the United States Senate I Support the Religious Liberties - TopicsExpress


Tell the United States Senate I Support the Religious Liberties Amendment The Issue: Religious liberties and freedom of speech are being stripped from the ranks of our military by the Obama administration. This open hostility to religious speech in the armed forces is creating a chilling effect for Christians and others who wish to express religious sentiments. Members of the U.S. military must have the freedom to act on their religious beliefs without fear of censure, punishment, or other adverse effects. Congressman Mike Fleming added the Religious Liberties Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which overwhelmingly passed in the House of Representatives. Now its the United States Senates turn to take up the NDAA. Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) have introduced a companion amendment to protect the religious liberties of our military personnel. We stand behind the Religious Liberties Amendment, which ensures that men and women of faith will not be discriminated against in the Armed Forces, and will be free to exercise their religious beliefs. Our servicemen and women put their lives on the line everyday in order to protect our constitutionally guaranteed rights, including the expression of our beliefs. Congress must ensure that we are protecting them as well. The Action: We are petitioning leading Senators to endorse the passage of the Religious Liberties Amendment! The I Support the Religious Liberties Amendment petition declares: To the honorable United State Senators, In this Citizen Petition, we stand in strong support of the Religious Liberties Amendment appended to the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act as passed by House of Representatives and now pending a vote in the United States Senate. As Senator Mike Lee, the sponsor of the amendment said, The religious liberties of our men and women in uniform deserve strong protections. The amendment ensures the rights of servicemen and women to practice and share their faith and puts in place strong oversight to guarantee their rights of conscience. Our servicemen and women put their lives on the line every day in order to protect our constitutionally guaranteed rights, including the expression of our beliefs. Congress must ensure that we are protecting them as well. Congress must act accordingly to secure the rights of all citizens and protect against unconstitutional mandates or suppression of the unalienable rights every American enjoys whether in military service or not. Signed,
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:08:18 +0000

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