Template letter to send to your MP about the conflict of interest - TopicsExpress


Template letter to send to your MP about the conflict of interest of panel members “reviewing” Safety Code 6. Date Your Name Your Address To: Your MP (- parl.gc.ca/MembersOfParliament/MainMPsCompleteList.aspx?TimePeriod=current) Re: Corruption in the Royal Society of Canada Dear I am writing to you concerning a matter of grave concern to all Canadians – the allowable levels of wireless microwave radiation permitted in our society. As you are no doubt aware, the levels of wireless radiation from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, and other related devices has increased exponentially in the past 20 years. Hungry for profit, wireless providers are erecting cell towers with no regard for human or animal health. Sixty years of independent science (and large volumes of released military studies) have demonstrated the lethal dangers inherent in wireless technology; however, these dangers are denied, deflected, obfuscated and generally ignored by Canadian Government organizations who are riddled with industry influence while purporting to protect Canadians. The latest example of corruption and arrogance is the appointment of Dr. Daniel Krewski to lead the Royal Society ‘Safety Code 6’ review panel. Krewski is in an obvious conflict of interest, as are several other panel members. The wireless industry depends on directing the recommendations of these bodies to peddle their dangerous wares to unsuspecting citizens. This panel is apparently funded by the grossly mis-named ‘Health Canada’. I request that you investigate this matter and bring it up in the House of Commons. I am writing to you as I know of no one else with the courage to do so. Specifically, I am requesting: - The immediate dissolution of the current Safety Code 6 review panel. - An independent public investigation into the Royal Society itself and its methods of operation. - The dismissal of both Geoffrey Flynn, who is responsible for the review panel selection, and Darren Gilmour, the executive director of the Royal Society. - The formation of a proper and unbiased panel to review Safety Code 6. - An independent public investigation into industry manipulation and influence of Health Canada. I believe the citizens of Canada deserve to know the truth about the effects of wireless radiation from independent and unbiased researchers – not filtered through the lapdogs serving industries bent on profit at any cost. Thank you. Sincerely (signature) Your Name Cc:
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 05:07:01 +0000

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