Temple Builders Ministries TRUMPET CALL 24/6/2013 “Behold, the - TopicsExpress


Temple Builders Ministries TRUMPET CALL 24/6/2013 “Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold thy salvation cometh; behold His reward is with Him, and His work before Him. And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken.” ~ ISAIAH 62:11-12 A BALANCED GOSPEL Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1919) was the founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) who first coined and used the words “The Four-Fold Gospel.” It was the culmination of his life’s work on the revelation he received about the gospel of Jesus Christ. In an article in 1891, entitled “Fourfold Unity,” Simpson compared the fourfold to all four parts of alto, tenor, soprano and bass when in harmony. He classified these Fourfold gospel into Jesus as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King. He said we have the element of Christian unity which no other fellowship can give. Why is it so important to revisit such an enduring legacy? Because candid appraisal would prove that most times very few preach a balanced gospel message. This was also a concern to John G. Lake towards the end of his time on earth. Isaiah prophesied that God’s people will be holy and sought out in the above text, but not after he refused to rest {Isaiah 62:1}. He had earlier in Isaiah 61:1 described the ministry of God’s Spirit, to the meek, the broken hearted, the captives and the prisoners. We also know that it is only those who know the truth who will have these promises {John 8:32}. We can now observe that it is those who seek out the full picture who will not be deceived. The gospel becomes truly productive when it is balanced and full. This is what would separate a happy Church from a Church walking in power, a worldly one and the Church looking and preparing for the return of Christ, a Church of miracle seekers or lovers of God. Separation is really about knowing the difference between a earthly bound Church or a Church that is identifying with Zion, described by the writer of Hebrews as the general assembly and the Church of the firstborn that is eternal {Hebrews 12:23}. There is one Church, one body, one LORD, one Head and on Spirit {Ephesians 4:4-6, Colossians 1:18}. A balanced gospel will identify its point of departure and its destination; that destination is to be transformed and conformed to Christ’ image. The gospel is to the poor because it is the solution to poverty. The gospel puts God in our spirit, soul and body. Hence the fourfold gospel presents a full gospel. Those who know this truth will refuse to listen to any feel-good gospel of grace that is not presenting repentance (when needed, and especially in intercessory prayers), and obedience as prerequisites for arriving at the Promised Land. They know that the Head (Christ) cannot do anything without its body (the Church), and the body cannot exist or survive without its Head. Both the Head and the body are important, and as a matter of fact, the body is so important to the Head that the Head died to ransom His people. Those who love Christ will refuse to preach any other gospel {Galatians 1:8}, and will not add to it nor take away from it {Revelations 22:18-19}. There are consequences we often refuse to tell people. When we peach love, it is good to let people know it is not in feeling good but based on knowledge, and that knowledge is the knowledge of God {1 Corinthians 13:4-8, Philippians 1:9}. When God talks about mercy, He is referring to those who are merciful to other people {Psalm 18:25}, to those He chooses to have mercy upon {Romans 9:15}, and to those who fear Him {Psalm 103:11, 13, 17}. We should remind people about the mercy and severity of God to avoid delusions {Romans 11:22}. It is good to tell people what God has done and what He will do, but a balanced combination will be to admonish people about God’s purpose for His Church and how crucial it is for obedience to be in place. Obedience is our role, holiness is the reward, and it is a gift of the Holy One in us. Obedience is holiness. Praising God is good, but we should remind people that God does not accept every praise. To God “To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.” {Proverbs 21:3, 1 Samuel 15:22, Micah 6:7-8}. As matter of fact God showed how He felt towards sacrifices that were not compatible with Him or sanctified {Isaiah 1:11-13}. God’s word is true but they are no incantations. Brethren avoid feel-good gospel, they keep people in the wilderness. As we begin this week, inquire and require, you have the promise to acquire in Jesus’ name, Amen ! We will like to take this opportunity to recommend this book by A.B Simpson “THE FOURFOLD GOSPEL” and to visit the website of The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA). All his other books are free for download. Also visit the website of Amana Trust amanatrust.org.uk for recovery Bible by Witness Lee. This Bible is loaded, just the New Testament. It is also free, avail yourself of these materials. Jesus is coming soon. Have a blessed week ! Amana Trust amanatrust.org.uk Amana Trust is a registered charity in the United Kingdom. Our aim is to advance the Christian faith and to shepherd the Lord’s seekers. To this end we promote and host training courses, day schools, seminars, and conferences in the UK and throughout
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 05:04:05 +0000

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