Temple Mount First A strategy for a durable goal: Temple Mount - TopicsExpress


Temple Mount First A strategy for a durable goal: Temple Mount shall become an international holy site, as the first step in the long road for FULL PEACE between Israel, the Palestinians and all Arab and Muslim countries. The founder of the initiative is also gaining hes ideas from YOU, the reader who is not naive nor driven by hate. Your comments are important for the process and for the outcome. We, the people who live in this wounded land, need to start a process where we will first create mutual trust and mutual respect between us. Since 1993, we, Israelis and Palestinians alike, have failed to achieve real peace between us, because it was artificially managed by politics and with lack of good and sincere will from our leaders, from both sides. REAL peace must start from the bottom - all the way to the top. REAL peace must have the following principals: 1. The principal of MUTUALITY 2. WIN-WIN situation 3. JUSTICE FOR ALL - OR JUSTICE FOR NONE 4. A favour for a favour 5. REALISM The initiation of the process shall be implemented as soon as possible, and shall have 7 steps. Since 1993, peace attempts had failed because they were created in an atmosphere of pressure and were rushed upon us. We need to get used to the idea slowly, and let the bad blood and rivalry cease. OUR land is wounded, and in order for it to heal, we must give OUR land the time it needs to heal and recover. And it will. The goals and the solution must be agreed in the begining, and shall be implemented during a Hudna of 10 years, step by step. Step 1: PEACE STARTS AT HOME. Total EQUALITY for non-Jews in the State of Israel, and total share of the land of the state of Israel. We shall form a party of Palestinians and Israelis, citizens of the state of Israel, which will start to change the reality in a long process of 4 years. This party will be the bridge for REAL peace between Israelis and Palestinians. This positive, yet not very hard to implement step, will generate the proper knowledge and the proper atmosphere for peace on the ground in the state of Israel, and shall set an example for the Palestinian people about good intentions and a will for real change toward the goal. The party will be assembled with anyone who share the same vision, and will be free from curruption. The morals of the party will be kept TO THE FULLEST - with no exceptions. On the paralel, Palestinians can form a similar party in the WB, to build a dual movement that shares the common goal. The first step will implement the following steps: 1. FULL equality for non-Jews in the state of Israel. 2. Stop all humiliating security checks for Arabs in BG airport 3. Arabs will serve in the civil service, and will not be required to serve in the IDF. 4. Arabs and Jews can live anywhere in the state - an Arab will be able to live in Tel Aviv and a Jew will be able to live in Um Al Fahem, according the KAADAN case. Step 2: Palestinians and peace activists will give flowers and the TMF initiative business card to the IDF soldiers. This will be the first step for trust that the Israeli public need to feel, and shall generate a media buzz. Israel shall completely forbid Jews from entering Temple Mount to low the flames and calm the situation. Step 3: The media buzz shall create a public debate on both sides whether to accept the initiative. This will allow both sides the necessary time to digest the idea and also to put it on public vote. This will give both Israelis and Palestinians an opprotunity to elect new leadership, because the current one is keeping letting us all down, and unable to give up the power. New leadership will be elected in a democratic way only. Step 4: Israel, Palestine and the WHOLE Arab & Muslim world will agree for the final result, i.e. FREEDOM for Palestine ALONGSIDE Israel BEFORE the Temple Mount Ceremony, and before going forward for the rest of the steps. This step is essential MOSTLY for 16 Million Israelis and Jews around the world, who will not feel safe unless 2 Billion Muslims are ready to go forward towards them. REAL peace must be implemented in mutual terms of respect, and if the WHOLE Muslim world is unwilling to go for the deal - The deal is off. This step will include agreement on the following: Both sides will send formal embassadors, ALL leaders will take part in the ceremony, and the International community will also send representatives for the event. This will also include a construction of a semi-UN HQ in Jerusalem. Step 5: Changing the status quo on Temple Mount\Haram Al Sharif - The CEREMONY and the game changer: Imagine all humanity watching towards the same place at the same time, focusing all the attention to Temple Mount THAT DAY. The human spiritual energy which will be generated due to this event will be UNPRECEDENTED in history. Try to visualise Mount Sinai times 100000. This is also the first time an event like this can reach EVERYWHERE on earth, since the technology is available EVERYWHERE, in this day and age. This step shall be implemented as soon as possible, and shall initiate the whole process. 1. All the mosques and any other building on Temple Mount shall remain in tact. 2. Freedom of religion will be allowed all over the TM compound. Any human, whether Jew, Muslim, Christian, Druze, among all others – has the natural right to pray anywhere under the sky and over the land which were created by God, according to the belief. According to this principal, TM is no exception. 3. Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock Shrine on TM are Islamic and shall remain under Islamic rule. Jews will be allowed to pray there together with Muslims only if they are welcomed by Muslims, as their guests. Muslims have the full right to decide regarding anything that is taking place inside their mosques, and exclusively. 4. Any construction of any building on TM shall be done according to a unilateral agreement of all sides. Not by majority, but by full acceptance, and in a way which will serve all believers. 5.The flags of Israel and Palestine will not be raised on TM, and will be replaced by the TM flag, which will be agreed by all sides. 6. Sovereignty on TM will be shared Step 6: Mutual gestures This step shall be implemented right after step 3, and shall take no longer than 6 months to be completed. Israel shall lift the siege from Gaza totally (open land, air and sea), release ALL Palestinian prisoners, and remove the security wall completely. The Palestinians in Gaza will disarm from all rockets and any offensive weapon, and will destroy any attack tunnel. All the Palestinians will declare an end of the armed struggle and will stop ANY resistance completely. This move will be the start of a long and agreed peace process, where the final goal will be one state or a joined federation of Israel and Palestine. Like in South Africa, we will assemble a truth and reconciliation commission. Step 7: Federation of Israel and Palestine: This step will be initiated soon after the comission, and will be implemented over 10 years. Remember, the goals will be agreed in the begining. The federation will have one sovereignty, 2 governments which will preserve the unique identity of each people, one presidential institute, with authority like in the USA, and the elections for him\her will be for all the people of the land. If the president elected will be a Palestinian, the vice president will be an Israeli, and vice versa. All the federation will be submitted under one judicial system which will adopt the principal of ONE LAW FOR ALL. The final goal will address ALL issues of both sides, with the principles of Israeli acceptance of FULL Palestinian Right of Return and a Palestinian acceptance of ALL Settlements. All other core issues shall be negotiated and agreed upon in principal and in the beginning, and shall be implemented during the 10-20 year Hudna. Since our land is wounded, we need to give it time to heal. We must be patient, because pressure will only damage the neccesary and vital process of healing. Both our people, and especially the new generation, need to grow into a peaceful environment during a slow but steady process. During this process, we shall change our education systems, so there will be no demonization on any side. Step 7 will also open for us long list of numerous opportunities during the process: Israel will have relations with all Arab countries, major developments and foreign investments for all sides, especially rebuilding the destroyed houses of Palestinians and building new homes and apartment for any returning refugee, international support which will bring donations for the reconstruction of this land. It is also vital and crucial to have support from the international community in various ways that will maintain the Hudna of 10-20 years: Artists coming to the land for major concerets, world class soccer teams to come and play official games, and any other idea which is worthy for the sake of maintaining and florishing the seeds of peace. Even FIFA might as well make the world cup here. In conclusion, a real peace between Israel and Palestine will bring numerous opportunities beyond any imagination. We must also remember: This is an ongoing initiative, and any idea or contribution will be accepted and considered by all of us, for the sake and good benefits of both sides. Any idea or question YOU, the reader have in mind, please share it with me. AND ABOVE ALL: This whole initiative is loyal to the spirit of the prophets of God: Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. This initiative, above all, was created and will be implemented specifically according to the visions of prophets of Israel Isaiah and Ezekiel. Isaiah 56-7: Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLE.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:10:49 +0000

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