Ten Motivational Tips To Stay Healthy 1. Quality of Life. - TopicsExpress


Ten Motivational Tips To Stay Healthy 1. Quality of Life. Theres no guarantee youll live longer by adopting a fitness lifestyle, but chances are you will live better. Its the ultimate revenge: a full, healthy happier life. 2. Fun. Even if you hated sports as a kid - picked last for the softball team, creamed in dodgeball - remember walking, running, swimming and cycling are different. No one screams at or slams into you, you compete as much as or as little as you want, youre outdoors, and you dont set the pace. Its play - not work. 3. Confidence Booster. By setting an exercise goal — however modest — and progressing toward it, you become more self-assured. As you begin to feel and look fitter and healthier, you gain confidence. 4. Forget Dieting. Working burns lots of calories and raises your metabolism so you consume them at a higher rate than a sedentary person even when youre not exercising. Bottom line: you can control your weight without starving yourself by eating a healthy, balanced diet (including the occasional chocolate sundae.) 5. Stress Relief. Feeling tense? Overwhelmed? Unappreciated? Taking regular exercise breaks, as short as a 30-minute walk at lunch, can refresh and relax you. Use the time to calm yourself, regain perspective on whats important, or even figure out a solution to a problem. 6. Fat-Be-Gone. By working out, youre losing fat and gaining muscle. Regular exercisers often have body fat levels at least 5 percent lower than the average person. Youll probably go down a clothing size or two, because muscle, though heavier than fat, takes up less space. 7. Instant Friends. Everybody tends to loosen up when theyre sweaty and out of breath. Participatory sports provide an accessible, non-threatening, casual atmosphere for meeting people. Opportunities abound: fun runs, a swim workout or lesson, a group bike ride or an organized hike. Check out your local gym or community center. 8. A Spring in Your Step. Working out can raise the amount of oxygen your muscles can use by up to 40 percent. That means you have more energy and everyday tasks become easier. 9. Cold-Killer. Aerobic exercise bolsters your immune system. Youre better prepared to fight off viruses and other nasty stuff. 10. A Tougher Ticker. Endurance sports such as running, walking, swimming and cycling strengthen your cardiovascular system. Your heart becomes more efficient and less susceptible to disease. For more information, visit: asimba. Copyright 1999 Health Resources Publishing TOTAL CONTROL (1000HRS – 1400HRS) PRESENTER: RUBY THE DIME
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 09:46:14 +0000

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