Ten Simple Ways to Prevent Dementia: 01 - Have a diet rich in - TopicsExpress


Ten Simple Ways to Prevent Dementia: 01 - Have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. It has been scientifically shown that foods that fight Alzheimers are blueberries, green leafy vegetables, broccoli or spinach and as apples. 02 - Enter in your food vegetable oils rich in Omega 3, including seeds of hemp and flax. You can also eat fish oil, but be sure as to the source and nutrients, as many fish have mercury toxicity, which can cause Alzheimers. 03 - Make sure you are including in your diet a sufficient amount of antioxidants. As already mentioned, eating fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to fight free radicals. The chocolate, green tea, vitamin E and other antioxidants are vitamin C which can play an important role against Alzheimers disease. 04 - A new study by a team of researchers Institute for Biological Studies Salk showed that a specific type of antioxidants present in strawberries can help memory and protect the brain from Alzheimers development. 05 - A new study from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm proved that diabetes gradually increase the risk of Alzheimers development. The diabetes are associated with high levels of blood sugar. 06 - A new study has shown that a person with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity has more possibilities (+ 600%) of lost brain functions and be you diagnosed Alzheimers than people who maintain a healthy weight and to maintain a power healthy. 07 - The pigment in turmeric that gives the curry its yellow color can also help break the plates that mark the brains of patients with Alzheimers, sugererm the latest research. 08 - Avoid mercury. As mentioned, much fish are contaminated with mercury, therefore search which fish are safe and free from mercury. Sometimes, vaccines are another cause of toxicity of mercury. 09 - Challenge your mind every day. Research suggests that mental stimulation, speaking two languages, traveling, puzzles, and learn to play an instrument are good ways to fight premature senility and Alzheimer. Learn something new every day, even if it is a phone number or a word. 10 - Set the stress. There is evidence that stress erodes the mind and the body, producing a hormone that damages the brain. Meditation, yoga, art or gardening are just some of the ways to manage stress. Drajosiane Odila
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 09:47:17 +0000

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