Ten ladies from Liverpool were on a day trip to Chester. As they - TopicsExpress


Ten ladies from Liverpool were on a day trip to Chester. As they stepped off the bus they noticed a blackboard propped up on a chair outside a shop which read, “FREE TODAY! HEALINGS & MIRACLES.” Giggling, they nudged each other murmuring, “How bizarre to see such a sign on the High street.” As they were exchanging questioning glances, a woman popped her head out of the shop door and asked them, “Would any of you like a miracle?” They thought about it for a moment and one exclaimed, “Well I’m not feeling too good and would love to come in and sit down for a while.” Each of the women found a comfortable leather seat at the back of the shop where they discovered coffee was served. All around them were charming items of furniture and gifts for sale with bookshelves full of Christian books and music. The volunteer working in the shop approached the ten women who by now were all sitting down wondering what was about to happen. She asked if they had heard about the miracles Jesus was doing. “What a strange question,” they thought. They had heard of Jesus but had not seen Him do any miracles. The woman explained that Jesus took all their sin and sickness on the cross when He died, that He rose again and now has victory over death, and now they can be healed and forgiven through Jesus. She went on to ask who would like to go first. One of the women began to explain that she was completely blind in her left eye. Apparently she’d had an aneurism and a blood vessel had burst behind her eye a few years ago and there was nothing the doctors could do. She would never see again in that eye. She couldn’t even see light. The shop volunteer placed her hand over the lady’s eye and said, “In the name of Jesus I command this eye to see.” She asked the lady to cover her good eye and describe what she could see through her blind eye. The woman was shocked! She could see light. Then she could see the silhouettes of her friends. The volunteer prayed again. This time the woman with the blind eye was amazed to see some colours, she could describe what her friends were wearing and realised she could see almost perfectly out of her blind eye! She felt a strange peace, a wonderful sense of exhilaration and joy all at the same time. She realised Jesus had touched her and she was healed. One by one the whole group was prayed for, with dramatic results. The next lady was completely deaf in her left ear. She said that sadly her husband had died suddenly two years previously and the shock of it had caused her ear to lose all hearing. The volunteer explained that it was probably an evil spirit and she told it to leave in the name of Jesus. Instantly the woman could hear again. She felt something leave and in its place was an overwhelming sense of belonging and wholeness. Each of the ten women was healed instantly; one could not walk properly as the strength had left her legs and they kept giving way. The strength came back and she was able to put her stick away and walk and jump. Another had swollen ankles. As she watched, the swelling went down immediately. Another had suffered from sciatica for a long time. The pain left and she was able to bend with no problem. The volunteer then asked the ladies from Liverpool if they knew Jesus. They all said “yes” and told her they were Roman Catholic, but they felt they knew Jesus so much better now since they had all received a touch from Him. They went on their way happy and healed, having encountered the Living God. This is just one of many miracles taking place in our “Spirit” shop in Chester and also our café in Blacon. This type of encounter can and should be an everyday part of a Christian’s experience. The supernatural life as outlined in Mark 16 and Matthew 10 by Jesus and also demonstrated in Acts by the early church, should not be unusual but the norm for every follower of Jesus. When was the last time you led someone to Jesus? When did you last see a limb grow, cast out a demon or raise someone from the dead? How about, like Peter, leading 3,000 people to Jesus in one day? This book has been written for every Christian who wants to see more of God’s power at work in his or her life. I have included personal stories, funny incidents and teaching to help you discover what the Bible says on such topics as healing, casting out demons and spiritual authority, and also to learn how to put this into practice in your everyday life and begin to walk in the supernatural on a daily basis. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Now concerning the Spiritual, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant or uninformed” (1 Corinthians 12:1). In most translations this verse reads, “Now concerning spiritual gifts brothers.” However, in the original Greek text there is no word ‘gifts’. The word translated ‘spiritual’ is pneumatikos which also means supernatural. This verse could also be translated, “Now concerning the supernatural, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant or uninformed.” Many Christians are unfortunately ignorant about the supernatural realm. However many people who do not know Jesus are seeking to know the supernatural realms in a deeper way by using ‘illegal’ ways to access the spiritual realm, that is, they are not entering through the door that is Jesus. We have prayed for unbelievers’ eyes to be opened to the spiritual realm. As Christians who walk in the light, we need to lead them into the supernatural through Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. For years I asked the Lord to help me find someone who could teach me about supernatural things and mentor me, but there didn’t seem to be anyone doing what I wanted to do. As it turned out, I had to rely on the Holy Spirit for help and learn His ways, making mistakes and trying to learn from them. This book contains many of the lessons I have learned from the Holy Spirit and I hope that by sharing in some of my journey, you will be able to avoid the pitfalls I made and that my ceiling will be a floor from which you can begin to walk out the normal supernatural Christian life - Aliss Cresswell. Introduction from The Normal Supernatural Christian Life by Aliss Cresswell Buy it on Amazon or Kindle or follow the link below...
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:40:33 +0000

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