Ten reasons why PAP may go out of power within next two general - TopicsExpress


Ten reasons why PAP may go out of power within next two general elections:- 1. Rise in activism There is a phenomenal rise in activism recently and a protest was even held calling for our prime minister to step down. This is unprecedented and even unheard of less than five years ago. For any regime to be toppled, there must be a resurgence of peoples power among the masses. Political parties can only do so much. 2. Lack of credible people in the cabinet There is a serious lack of good credible people within the cabinet now and even LKY has mentioned that if the party cant recruit fresh new blood it will go out of power. On the other hand, the opposition seems to be able to recruit good credible people into its fold and will pose a strong challenge in the coming election. Candidates like Nicole Seah and Roy Nyeung if he stands for election remain strong candidates to win a seat in parliament. 3. Survival issue Bearing the brunt of very low wages and rising cost of living, many Singaporeans find it tough to survive let alone thrive in the current situation. Every thing seems to be going up except our wages. Even WP stalwart Mr Low Thian Kiang has mentioned that PAP lost the by-election in Punggol East SMC because people there are unhappy with the rising cost of living. When people struggle for too long under a regime, they will lose their patience and try to give other party a chance in the hope that things may turn better for them. 4. Loss of Punggol-East SMC and near loss of Presidential-candidate Tony Tan The shocking loss of Punggol East SMC by more than ten percent margin and the near-loss of PAP-backed Presidential-candidiate Mr Tony Tan suggested that people now are comfortable to vote against the incumbent - which is unprecedented. People tend to vote for the ruling party out of loyalty and habit but perhaps the population has now finally given out on the ruling party due to years of misgovernance and bad judgement through the population white paper and CPF issue. They may now feel that enough is enough... 5. Arrogance The arrogance of the ruling party can be seen by how they responded to the peoples frustration. The Prime Minister called his citizens thugs when they voiced out against the Filipino celebration at Ngee Ann city and lost much of the support of the masses by suing a blogger who wrote about the CPF issue. 6. Worldwide political change Ruling parties in the west have faced huge unprecedented political change largely as a result of resistance against mass immigration practices.Governments in Britain, France among others were toppled by lesser-known political parties recently who are anti-immigration in practices. Can our opposition political parties do the same in the next two elections? 7. Emergence of internet The emergence of internet is perhaps the strongest check against the huge propaganda machine of the PAP. Without the advantage of the powerful mass media, it could not influence the heart and mind of the population as before. The addition of internet-savvy youth into the electorate in the years to come is also a constant worry for the ruling party whom they seen as easily influenced by the many anti-establishment blogs and socio-political blogs. More importantly, the internet has also managed to unite the huge opposition force into a mass group ready for action. We foresee that the government will continue to clamp down on the internet in the months leading to the general election either by legislation or other strong-armed tactics. 8. Population white paper Two years after the Prime Minister announced the passing of the population white paper, Singaporeans have now been routinely displaced at the work place amass and transportation becomes a daily nightmare for many people due to over-crowding. The formation of niche enclaves by certain nationality is a concern and foreigners given perks to be citizens for their votes also angered many Singaporeans.There is also a resurgence of angry nationalistic feelings due to the influx of foreigners into our midst and this anger has mostly turned people against the establishment. 9. Off-the-ground politicians and civil servants Many politicians and civil servants are largely off the ground in their approach towards the people perhaps due to their ivory-tower environment. People seeking assistance from the many aid agencies are increasingly getting frustrated by the red tape. Staff on the ground also cant do much as the civil service remains very much top-down in its decision making and approach. Housing, employment and healthcare remain the biggest bugbears of the government now and there seems to be no easy solution to the problems. Many people thus feel that the government is not listening but perhaps the biggest problem is they do listen but dont really know why the people feel this way. Without empathy, you cant really know how the people feel let alone implement feasible solutions. 10. Worst Prime Minister Singapore may have witness the worst Prime Minister in history as Mr Lee Hsien Loong struggled with insecurity and indecision. Obsessed only with profit-making and GST numbers, he has no qualms sacrificing the livelihood of his people by signing on ambiguous FTA bilateral agreements which sideline many Singaporeans in the process. He also backtracked on many of his statements and politicise alot by making huge declarations such as the ambiguous Pioneer Generation Package which meant little to the common people. He also called on the people to accept the population white paper by declaring that foreigners could bring in additional jobs for local citizens. Many people thus predict that he will bring down the regime which his father has built up with much effort for the past five decades and this fear by itself should be a huge stress for him. But for the ruling party to be toppled, we need such a Prime Minister who is seen as aloof, irrational and anti-Singaporean.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 07:17:17 +0000

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