Ten things Ive learned about life from living with a chronic - TopicsExpress


Ten things Ive learned about life from living with a chronic illness: 1-Dont judge other people, you have no idea what their battle is. Be compassionate. 2-Dont beat yourself up for the things you cant do, instead take joy in the things that you can do. 3-Dont compare your life to anyone elses life, including your own pre-illness life. 4-When you feel good, allow yourself to feel good and let go of the bad. When you feel bad, dont dwell on not feeling good. Accept and embrace every moment in life. 5-The toilet will still need to be cleaned tomorrow. No one will die if you cant clean it today. If youre really lucky, someone may even clean it for you. 6-Dogs will instinctively give you comfort when youre feeling bad, and theyll play with you when youre feeling good (bonus). 7-The people that truly love you will accept your limitations, and wont hold them against you. 8-Dont listen to everyones advice-most people who are convinced they have all the answers are full of baloney. This includes MDs, by the way. Nothing will make me doctor dump faster than a doctors who knows everything. 9-When your body says sleep, sleep. Even if it means breaking plans and irritating someone. In the long run, your responsibility is to take care of your body. 10-Life is precious in any form.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:22:45 +0000

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