Ten thousand ngos as anonymous currency divorced from real - TopicsExpress


Ten thousand ngos as anonymous currency divorced from real structural economy, yet enslaving real people, destroying real structural economy, behind cover of idealogical economic pretensions, the same eugenic idealogy as Bilderberg(Peter Thiel) and Draper Fund(USAID), which sacrificed all the pigs in Haiti in a sacred elitist ritual of Slavers, Mon Santo, turned rabid gmo-vaccination Eugenicists, pentecost in Charles Dickens upper room full of neo Lloyds Factors and ngo phds. Will it take a whip to chase Unosur-BRICS out of the fallen temple of atlas agonistes? A fallen structural economy has not been enough to evacuate supposedly fanatical hispanic counter-counter-insurgents. Collective expenditure of social wealth, triggered by sacred ritual(John Cussans ), USAID idealogues killed all the pigs, Bill Clinton kicked ex-pig farmers with free rice to bankrupt rice farmers, USAID sweatshop concentration camp structure killed tens of thousands of former pig and rice farmers in 2010. Charles Dickens and Bilderberger Peter Thiel speculate and take stock and buy insurance policies outside real structural economy, in ten thousand ngos as bitcoin within Collective expenditure of social wealth, triggered by sacred ritual(John Cussans ), potemkin atlantis, Dickens and Ayn Rand and Peter Thiels atlas agonistes neo Dickensian little derivatives house of horrors, ngos wasting Haiti Quake Aid, like USAID killing all the pigs, Clinton dumping Arkansas rice, bankrupting all the farmers, ngos the new bitcoin of the realm of Dickensian eugenics(slavery). Dickens and Thiel and Robin Hanson and Eliezer Yudkowskys ten thousand ethereal ether shares in re-engineering democracy into a set of predictive markets in which speculators bet on the best policies. Dickens pigs in the parlor, phds looking busy doing nothing, kept Haiti Quake Aid inside the DC Beltway, as they always collectively expend the social wealth of others, triggered by sacred ritual. In Iron Cage, Rashid Khalidi said that the empire, British, Israeli, US, has funded Palestinian religious leaders to dead-end insurgent leaders and issues From Below. Charles Dickens derivatives traders are Peter Thiels speculators REPLACING DEMOCRACY, spending all Haiti Quake Aid, killing pigs and rice farmers with collapse of structural and structure. Ten thousand ngos as Thiels anonymous currency? I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible(Peter Thiel, 2009). Re-engineering democracy into a set of predictive markets in which speculators bet on the best policies(Robin Hanson, co-blogger of Eliezer Yudkowsky, Less Wrong, Bayesian, Center for Applied Rationality(CFAR). Mesmer on Haiti, L. Ron Hubbard employed by MI6, thanks in part to FDR(Mcclaughrys), scientology as 19th century empire sacred ritual sacrificing all of Haitis pigs and rice farmers? Mesmer on Haiti, animal magnetism, what pig magnetism mesmerized USAID to kill all pigs in Haiti--Dickensian animal magnetism--an attraction to Collective expenditure of social wealth, triggered by sacred ritual(John Cussans ), potemkin atlantis, Robber Barons as atlas agonistes. Stanford girl gotta have it, not just Bayesian cybernetics, but phds looking busy doing nothing--polyphasic sleep, goal factoring, Leverage Research(Geoff Anders), Yudkowsky and Hanson and Thiel, Thiel funds them all, Stanford Transhumanist Association(Andres Gomez Emilsson), Ethereum(Vitalik Buterin), neo Stanford-Hubbard scientological goat starers as Charles Dickens pentecostal upper room(McLaughrys on Hubbard and FDR--FDR!!!--the real FDR).
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 23:31:48 +0000

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