Tennessee voters: here are some key reasons to vote Yes on 3 to - TopicsExpress


Tennessee voters: here are some key reasons to vote Yes on 3 to permanently ban an income tax in TN! Reason #1: Do damage to the special interest oligarchies! Reason #2: Actually help the poor by preventing hidden business taxes! And keep transparency in the tax system! Reason #3: Ensure tax cheats, criminals and illegal aliens pay their fair share! Throw in tourists also! Reason #4: Income taxes punish work, savings, productivity and wealth building (for anyone, rich and poor alike). Reason #5: Taxed enough already! Reason #6: An income tax would make goods produced in TN more expensive and cut our exports to other states and other countries. I wish I had time to extend this list ... but alas not today/tonight! If I have been unclear and you need help understanding my gibberish, I have provided more details and context in the details below. Vote Yes on 3!!!! BTW, the same reasoning that applies to a state income tax also applies to the federal income tax! We need to abolish the IRS and replace it with the #FairTax ... but that is a discussion for another day! --------- Detailed explanations below.... Reason #1: Do damage to the special interest oligarchies! The federal income tax is nothing more than a means for politicians to grant favors to their special interest friends! It gives our federal representatives tens of thousands of hidden levers they can pull to give lobbyists tax favors while collecting bribes, er, campaign contributions, to build huge campaign war chests. Those campaign war chests almost guarantee that incumbents win re-election! This is exactly what happened in TN with Lamar Alexander in the recent Republican primary -- he was able to beat the conservative candidate Joe Carr largely because he had millions in his war chest!! The federal income tax has thus allowed the creation of an oligarchy of lobbyists, special interests and politicians who run the country. We dont need an income tax in TN because we dont want to create the same oligarchy in TN! (Some may say we already have that oligarchy...in which case I say we dont want to give it more power / levers!). By the way, the federal oligarchies exist in both parties!! Vote Yes on 3!!!! ---------------- Reason #2: Actually help the poor by preventing hidden business taxes! And keep transparency in the tax system! Businesses dont pay taxes! Businesses exist to make a profit. When a business is forced to pay a tax, they MUST include that tax in the cost of the goods or services they sell. Thus when you have business income taxes (which includes personal income taxes paid by business owners), the consumer is the one who pays the tax. These are hidden taxes --the kind that politicians love to use in back room negotiations with lobbyists!! In the United States, we pay on average 22% higher prices from business taxes alone! What the Democrats dont realize is that when they push for higher federal income taxes on those evil, rich business owners, they are actually hurting the poor, the very people they profess to be helping! An income tax in TN would surely result in businesses paying taxes. These are the worst kind of taxes! They are hidden and regressive and would keep the poor impoverished! Vote Yes on 3!!!! -------------- Reason #3: Ensure tax cheats, criminals and illegal aliens pay their fair share! Throw in tourists also! A state income tax would only collect taxes from those who report their income! Tax cheats, criminals and illegal aliens dont report their income. Non-compliance has always been a huge issue in the voluntary federal income tax. Compliance percentages are much higher under a sales tax! A state income tax would have the same issue as the federal income tax and would shift the tax burden from cheaters to law-abiding citizens. Vote Yes on 3!!!! ----------- Reason #4: Income taxes punish work, savings, productivity and wealth building (for anyone, rich and poor alike). The rule is simple! When you want less of something, tax it! We want people to work! We want people to save and invest their earnings! Why would we tax them? Everyone needs the opportunity to earn an income tax-free and then choose whether to spend that income immediately (and pay sales taxes immediately on their purchases) or to save and build wealth (deferring the day they will pay sales taxes when the money is finally spent). A state income tax would take away your choice on when you want to pay taxes! Basing state revenues on sales taxes makes it possible everyone, rich and poor alike, to build wealth (by deferring spending). An income tax would be like pouring molasses instead of motor oil into our economic engine! We need to permanently ban the income tax in TN! Vote Yes on 3!!!! ------------- Reason #5: Taxed enough already! An income tax would be just another opportunity for politicians to increase taxes and spending! We need to permanently ban the income tax in TN! Vote Yes on 3!!!! -------------- Reason #6: An income tax would make goods produced in TN more expensive and cut our exports to other states and other countries. When businesses have to pay taxes, they have to build the cost of those taxes into the prices of goods they sell. An income tax in TN would definitely end up being levied on businesses. And that income tax would cause the prices of goods produced in TN go up! It would hurt our businesses and cause them to move out of state! The same issue occurs with the federal income tax! The US is the only major industrialized country in the world which taxes our businesses even when they are trying to export goods. This means our products are more expensive on the world market -- about 22% more expensive just because of corporate income taxes! Those taxes force businesses to move their manufacturing and jobs offshore. (AKA inversions, ala Burger King and other companies). We dont need to make the same mistake in TN! We need to permanently prevent the income tax in TN! Vote Yes on 3!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 00:39:27 +0000

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