Tens of people showed up for the massive White Man March - TopicsExpress


Tens of people showed up for the massive White Man March today Low attendance of #WhiteManMarch PROVES White Men are an endangered species under attack! #WhiteManMarchProtestSigns freakoutnation/2014/03/15/tens-of-people-showed-up-for-the-massive-white-man-march-today/ … March 15, 2014 By Anomaly The White Man March, according to an organizer named Kyle Hunt, was a protest with”thousands” of people expected to take part in “coordinated pro-white activity.” Tens of people must have showed up in various states. It was just that unamazing. Banners reading, “Diversity=white genocide” were taken down by Birmingham, Alabama police. A couple of people showed up in different states, but really more signs that attendees bothered to make an appearance for the rally of poor persecuted souls. According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, The Kentucky State Conference of the NAACP saw nothing wrong with the group protesting but it did object to their message. Raoul Cunningham, president of the Kentucky State Conference of the NAACP, said Saturday, “We would disagree vehemently with their stance regarding minority rights. The mission of the NAACP is for equal rights for everyone whether red, yellow, black or white. We do not differentiate. We have never protested for anything but equality. I’m not sure if this group is for that,” “Diversity is inclusive of everyone,” he added. “Those individuals do not have a clue as to what the meaning of diversity is.” Robert Ransdell said he organized the event in Florence, and added, ”As far as anyone in opposition, I would say it is 2014. That is one thing you guys love to say, ‘it is 2014, how can these racists be out here?’ Well, it is 2014. It has been six or seven decades since white people stood up for themselves and it is about time we start doing so.” Twitter users are taking the piss out of the couple of white guys that showed up, because it’s Twitter, that’s why. Proof! There are more unexceptional photos taken of the event at WhiteManMarch. freakoutnation/2014/03/15/tens-of-people-showed-up-for-the-massive-white-man-march-today/
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 04:04:40 +0000

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