Tensions are rising between the Bahamas Electrical Workers Union - TopicsExpress


Tensions are rising between the Bahamas Electrical Workers Union (BEWU) and Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) Executive Chairman Leslie Miller over a new industrial agreement, with union president Paul Maynard saying yesterday there could be industrial action as early as tomorrow. Maynard did not go into details, but suggested that the action could start with a demonstration. Miller has scheduled a meeting with the BEC board’s Human Resources and Labour Relations Subcommittee. He invited Maynard to attend the meeting tomorrow along with four of his executives to discuss the proposed industrial agreement. After receiving Miller’s letter on Friday, Maynard responded in writing: “I was most disappointed as a result, you must believe I am a fool because I sat down with two Bahamas government Cabinet ministers, a board member, two Bahamas government labor negotiators, BEC’s general manager and deputy general manager over the past three months and negotiated in good faith a six-year, at the request of the government, industrial agreement.” Maynard said, “It was reviewed by the minister of labor and I informed him that I would have my membership ratify the agreement, which they did.” The union president claimed that Miller was invited to a meeting in the office of the deputy prime minister but did not attend. “I’ve told you before, with all due respect, that I’m not afraid of you or the intimidation tactics that you use. You can’t intimidate me,” Maynard wrote to Miller. “I will not attend any meeting with your new HR Labour Relations Subcommittee, and the only meeting with regards to this contract I will attend is to sign the contract; end of story. “I will further advise you, if it’s a war that you want well we go to war. I’ve had it with your rude, disrespectful attitude to me as president of this union and the staff whom I represent and I for one will not put up with it anymore.” Maynard charged yesterday that Miller is an “enemy of the workers”. The union president previously warned, “If they (government officials) renege on a deal because of Mr. Miller, there would be hell to pay.” Minnis recently told The Nassau Guardian that he called a special board meeting to examine the contract and expressed several concerns. Those concerns included demands regarding lump sum payments and rostering, according to Miller. The new contract, which the union wants retroactive to May 2012, would expire in 2018, according to Maynard. As it relates to BEC, Miller said the corporation stands to lose $30 million this year. He said BEC cannot give employees what it does not have. He asked the union to be “a little more reasonable, consider the plight of all Bahamians, and stop being so selfish”. Miller has had a tumultuous relationship with the union during his time as chairman. He previously locked horns with union officials over the issue of overtime and sick pay, among other issues. Miller has said that as far as he is aware, his board appointment was extended until the end of 2014.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:49:43 +0000

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