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Terminator Wiki On the Wiki Wiki Activity Random page Videos Photos Chat On the screen Portals Characters All media Contribute Share Watchlist Random page Recent changes Marcus Wright Edit this page Talk80 1,087PAGES ON THIS WIKI The name or term Marcus refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Marcus (disambiguation). Marcus Wright Hybri bv.lvh.d4 Portrayed by: Sam Worthington Appearances Franchise(s): Terminator Salvation First Appearance: Terminator Salvation Last Appearance: Terminator Salvation Details Gender: Male Status: Deceased * Age: 28 (2003) 43 (2018) Date of Birth: August 22, 1975 Date of Death: 2003 (Executed in Longview State Correctional Facility) 2018 (Heart transplant surgery for John Connor.) Series: Hybrid Features: -Organic brain -Organic heart -Converted from a human Relatives: Sam Wright (brother, deceased)[1] Relationships: John Connor (ally) Kyle Reese (friend) Star (friend) Blair Williams (love interest) Affiliations: Resistance (current) Project Angel Cyberdyne Systems (body) Marcus Wright (born August 22, 1975) was a human on Death Row in 2003 for multiple homicide, and was executed shortly after signing his body over to Dr. Serena Kogan of Cyberdyne Systems Genetic Research Division. He was then entered into Project Angel and converted into a hybrid human, which was later activated in the war-torn future.[2] Im the only hope you have. - Marcus Wright, Terminator Salvation Contents[show] Biography Early life So thats what death tastes like. - Marcus Wright (after kissing Serena Kogan). Marcus lived a disreputable life of petty crime alongside his brother, whom he accidentally got killed during a botched car-jacking which also saw the deaths of two cops. Marcus was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to death at the Longview State Correctional Facility. During his time on Death Row, Marcus was visited repeatedly by Dr. Serena Kogan, a cancer-stricken scientist who wished for him to sign over his body to her research project. He refused her request up until the day of his execution, upon which he agreed to sign it over in exchange for a final kiss. Marcus was then strapped onto a cross-like table and shown to his weeping friends and relatives before being executed by lethal injection. It is ambiguous as to whether the injection actually killed him or simply placed him in a coma for Serenas project, however. Marcus body was taken apart and converted into a unique cyborg, one that still retained his human brain and heart. He was then stored in an underground facility where he would remain in stasis for 15 years as Judgment Day occurred in the world above. Skynet would later discover his body and add further enhancements to his design, completing the seemingly abandoned work of Cyberdyne Research. Terminator Salvation MarcusWright5 Marcus arrives in Los Angeles. What day is it? What year? [...] What happened here? - Marcus Wright (to Kyle Reese). Marcus awakens/is activated in the remains of the Skynet VLA and staggers out into the rain-soaked terrain, disoriently screaming in horror at the world around him. After composing himself, Marcus takes the clothes of a deceased Resistance fighter and starts a long walk through the desert, finding a sand-caked road leading into Los Angeles. Upon arriving, Marcus observed the ruined city from atop the Hollywood banner and then descended into the streets where he encountered a Series 600 Terminator patrolling the city. Marcuskyle Marcus being questioned by Kyle Reese. Ignorantly, he called out to it, only to immediately come under fire from the machines mini-gun. Before he could be mowed down, however, Marcus was tackled to the ground by a young man called Kyle Reese; who told him: Come with me if you want to live. Following Kyles lead, Marcus bolted for the nearby building while the T-600 struggled to free itself from a trap the youth had set. It escaped by shooting off its foot, however, and promptly took chase. Up on the roof, Kyles young companion, a mute girl named Star, released another trap, crushing the T-600 beneath heavy machinery. Kyle then held Marcus at gunpoint, accusing him of stealing the uniform of a Resistance fighter, but the cyborg easily disarmed him and demanded to know the date and what happened to the world. Kyle answered his questions, and Marcus expressed an interest in reaching a Skynet-controlled location. Before they could decide on this, an HK-Aerial flew in overhead, toppling a building as it passed. Knowing their safety had been compromised, Kyle led Marcus and Star back to their hiding place. Here, Marcus demonstrated how to tether the shotgun to his arm to avoid losing it to an opponent.[3] He then fixed their radio, picking up a message from John Connor in the process. In the morning, they traveled to Griffith Observatory to find transport away from Los Angeles. While repairing an old Jeep, Marcus accidentally cut himself on a wire and was given a band-aid from Star. He then got it working and inadvertently activated the radio, which started playing Rooster by Alice in Chains, much to Kyle and Stars surprise. Though because it was a song his late brother used to listen to, Marcus switched it off and barked at Star to get out of the passenger seat. They were then attacked by an Aerostats and Kyle attempted to lose it by driving down the hill haphazardly. Marcus eventually destroyed it with a tire-iron, however. Unimpressed by Kyles driving skills, Marcus promptly kicked him out from behind the wheel. MarcusSunset Marcus at the 7-Eleven gas station. Stopping at an old gas station bearing the mark of the Resistance, the trio are confronted by a gang of survivors who view them as a threat. Their de-facto leader, Virginia, offers them food and water, however, much to the annoyance of another refugee named Len. Star then senses vibrations in the ground mere seconds before a Harvester smashes through the roof and snatches Virginia and several other refugees. The trio flee outside and try to get aboard some of the escaping vehicles, but they speed away and leave them behind. Kyle quickly realizes that attempting to escape will only result in their death as the Harvester destroys the fleeing vehicles with its plasma cannon. Marcus takes a moment to observe the machine before getting into an armored truck and using it to push a gasoline tanker into the legs of the Harvester, which succeeds in toppling it. As they drive away, Kyle tries to shoot the gas with his shotgun, but is unsuccessful in sparking it. Star solves this problem by giving Marcus a flare which he then lights and tosses onto the gasoline, lighting it and causing a big explosion around the Harvester. It is not destroyed, however, and releases two Moto-Terminators that give chase. Kyle is able to shoot out the first, and is saved from being splattered on a school bus by Marcus in the process. The second is disabled when Marcus instructs Kyle to lower the ball-hook, which catches the machine and drags it behind them. The chase leads them to a bridge where they are cut off by an HK-Aerial, which fires at the bridge, forcing Marcus to screech to a halt. As a result, the Moto-Terminator swings up and around the HK, disabling one of its engines in the process. As the HK struggles to remain airborne, the truck is spun around until it almost topples off the edge. Kyle and Star subsequently fall out of the vehicle and are caught by the Harvester standing upon the HK-Carrier below. The HK-Aerial breaks free and fires upon the truck, forcing Marcus to jump onto the Carrier with an axe, which he then uses to try to free Kyle and Star from the cattle pens. The Harvester grabs him, however, and slams Marcus into the Carriers hull. Yeah, well Ive been dead for a while now and Im starting to get used to it. - Marcus Wright (to Blair Williams). Hanging Marcus finds Blair Williams. Before it can destroy him, the Transport is attacked by two Resistance A-10 Warthogs, one of which was piloted by Blair Williams. During their missile attack, Marcus is dropped by the Harvester and falls into the river below. The two aircraft are then shot down by the HK-Aerial and the Carrier escapes. Marcus comes to at the riverbank and makes his way back into the desert where he encounters Blair hanging from a telephone tower, having ejected from her bird before its destruction. He helps her down, and in return, she offers to take him to John Connor, as he might help Marcus rescue his friends from Skynet Central. MarcusWright4 Marcus, after rescuing Blair Williams. They stop at a derelict racetrack overnight where Blair removes her top in the rain to tend to an injury on her collar, catching Marcus attention with her semi-nakedness. While Marcus is away gathering kindling, Blair is attacked by a gang of humans who want her supplies. Marcus arrives in time and viciously beats them into submission, stabbing one in the shoulder with a screwdriver in the process. Afterward, Blair curls up to him to share his body heat next to the fire, and notices how strong his heart is before falling asleep in his arms. Marcus wonders if hes a good man and whether or not he deserves a second chance in life. In the morning, they arrive at the Resistance base and travel through a minefield laced with magnetized landmines. As they pass through, a mine attaches itself to Marcus and explodes, injuring him. He is then carried to the infirmary where Kate Connor tends to his wounds, despite his declarations of being fine. Upon opening his shirt, she discovers the endoskeleton exposed beneath and calls for Barnes, who swiftly knocks Marcus unconscious with the butt of his rifle. He is then chained up and suspended in a missile silo where he is examined by John Connor. What did they do to me? - Marcus Wright (to John Connor). Marcusjohn Marcus being examined by John Connor. Marcus protests that he is human, but John responds by removing the chain holding his head, allowing Marcus to see the exposed metal in his chest. He cries out in horror at what hes become but insists that he is not just some machine. John is convinced that Marcus was sent there to kill him and the leadership, however, and mentions Kyle Reese (his paradoxical father). This prompts Marcus to inform John of Kyles capture by Skynet, which rattles him significantly. Marcus is then left alone with Barnes, who shoots him in the chest for his late brother who died on a mission on Skynet VLA a few days earlier. Blair arrives moments later and tells Barnes that John wishes to see him, shooting Marcus in the process. Barnes falls for her ruse and leaves, granting her the chance to lower Marcus to the bottom of the silo and release him from his chains. Barnes soon returns, however, and fires a rocket at the escaping couple, but they are able to flee through a ventilation shaft. They follow it back to the minefield as the Resistance mobilizes to stop them. Blair uses a magnetic wire to trigger a line of mines, allowing them a safe path to the Jeep, only for it to be destroyed by a rocket. Forced to improvise, they flee to a wall where Marcus holds his hand out to draw their fire while Blair shoots out the floodlight, granting them cover of darkness. She is shot in the leg, however, which slows their escape. Marcus shields her from an explosion and gives her his coat, which she wears to confuse the soldiers. Terminator-salvation 182 Marcus fights a Hydrobot. While shes captured, Marcus steals a bike from a soldier and uses it to jump the perimeter fence and takes one last look at Blair before running through the woods while under fire from Johns helicopter. He is briefly incapacitated by Johns assault, and is then severely burned when John launches a napalm attack. However, while searching the river for him, Johns helicopter is attacked by Hydrobots and the pilots are killed. Marcus intervenes, however, and destroys the last Hydrobot, saving Johns life. Kyle Reese is in Skynet. You do that; hes dead. I can get you in. - Marcus Wright (to John Connor). Trailer4-62 Marcus enters the Skynet Central. He is then held at gunpoint, as John threatens to shoot Marcus in the heart. He makes John an offer, however: allow him to go free, and hell get John into Skynet Central to save Kyle. John agrees, giving Marcus a comm device to contact him with once hes inside. Marcus promises to uphold his end of the bargain before swimming away as the Resistance arrives. He makes his way to the Skynet perimeter in San Francisco and confronts a turret, which identifies him and allows him safe passage. Battledamagemarcus Marcus in Skynet. Upon making his way into the core building of Skynet Central, Marcus interfaces with Skynets database by synchronising with his CPU. He orders the turrets at the north entrance to stand down and then transmits Kyles location to John, who is waiting on the outskirts of town. Afterward, Marcus researches his death and the activities of Dr. Serena Kogan prior to that, learning that she also succumbed to her cancer and that her work at Cyberdyne was adopted by the US Air force. The stress of maintaining the connection overwhelms Marcus, rendering him unconscious. MarcusWright3 Marcus learns his purpose. He awakens in a diagnostic chair, his damaged flesh fully repaired and his clothes replaced with white garments. Upon happy to see he is human again, Skynet appears to him in the form of Serena on the screen and welcomes him home, and then goes on to explain his purpose as the perfect infiltrator and his mission to find Kyle and lure John to his death, all the while showing him CCTV footage of John fighting the T-RIP, a prototype T-800. Sickened by his use as a pawn, Marcus tears the CPU from the back of his head and snarls at Skynet that he will save John. Skynet offers him the chance to serve the machines, stating that hes no longer bound by the human condition, but Marcus proclaims that he is human and destroys the glass screen before hurrying to Johns aid. He tracks John to the Terminator Factory beneath the building and finds him in the grip of the T-RIP. Marcus charged the machine and tackled it to the ground, allowing John to crawl away. The T-RIP threw him off and headed back to John as the skin on Marcus left hand was burned away by molten steel. MarcusWright2 Marcus confronts the T-RIP. Enraged, Marcus attacked the machine from behind and hurled it into a pylon. He then picked up a piece of metal railing and started beating the T-RIP with it, but it caught his wrist and kicked him away. Seeing John working on T-RIP power cells to make an explosive, Marcus decides to sacrifice himself by allowing the T-RIP to beat him repeatedly with a cinder block. It scans his body and discovers his heart, identifying it as a vulnerability, and punches him in the chest with all of its strength. The blow is sufficient to stop his heart, and Marcus is terminated. Tsf39 Marcus rescues an injured John. However, Marcus is revived by John, who uses a power cable to give him an electric shock while the T-RIP is encased in metal. After reviving him, John is impaled through the chest with a steel bar by the T-RIP. Marcus jumps to his feet and breaks the steel bar, using half of it to decapitate the machine with ease. After terminating the T-RIP, Marcus carries John out of the factory. Then they meet Barnes, who helps Marcus carry John to the helicopter where he is reunited with Kyle and Star. As their helicopter flees the area, John detonates the explosive, destroying Skynet Central. Everyone deserves a second chance. This is mine. - Marcus Wright (to Blair Williams). Back at a Resistance outpost, Kate Connor tends to Johns injuries and informs the others of his imminent death due to the damage suffered by his heart. Believing that John deserved a second chance, Marcus tells Kate to take his heart and give it to John to save his life. He says his final goodbyes to Kyle and Star, and kisses Blair before undergoing the operation. In his final moments, he looks to John, who acknowledges his trust and gratitude towards Marcus with a respectful nod. By giving his life to save John, Marcus completed his original intention of donating himself to a better cause. How To Make Amazing Sugar Cookies For Christmas Nothing says Christmas like a perfect sugar cookie. Try this easy decorating method with your kids. Promoted by Pillsbury® Cyborg specification Main article: Hybrid Marcus endo Early concept art of Marcus endoskeleton After signing his body over to Cyberdyne Systems, Marcus was entered into Project Angel and his body was used in their machinations. Using reverse-engineered Skynet technology[citation needed], a unique endoskeleton is built for him and designed to sustain his human components, such as his brain and heart. Marcus brain was placed within the metal skull and his heart in the chest, protected by a chest plate that kept the entire abdomen armored. The enhanced heart provides blood and oxygen to the brain, aiding in the regeneration of his skin tissue, and is itself sustained by Marcus cybernetic components. According to Skynet, the new Marcus could live for hundreds of years.[4] Endoskeleton Other than the armor along the sternum and stomach region, his endoskeleton lacks the protective casing found on other Terminator series. This leaves motors and sustaining cybernetics vulnerable to attack, though it is fairly obvious that certain Hybrid, such as Marcus Wright, wasnt intended to be a combat model and his only real purposes are surveillance, infiltration and espionage. It could be said that he is a sleeper agent of sorts. Abilities Like other Terminators, Marcus possesses enhanced strength, many times that of the humans he resembles. His physical power is sufficient enough to engage a T-RIP in hand-to-hand combat, as he does when protecting John Connor. Notes At the small of his back, upon a plate just above his lower spine, Marcus has the signature M. Notes The packaging of Playmates action figure for Marcus Wright identifies him as a Series 700 Terminator,[5] though this seems to be an error on their part as the official novelization does not identify him as such and stresses his unique design. However, it can be argued that Marcus does fulfill the purpose of the T-700 by acting as a bridge between the earlier machines and the T-800. (Speculation) In The Terminator the police officer at the front desk of the police station after Kyle Reese has been arrested has a name tag with the last name of Wright. It is visible during the scene when the T-800 Terminator first enters the LAPD police station asking for Sarah Connor. It is not known whether the officers name was a coincidence or a subtle clue to Marcus Wrights past (possibly his father). Either way, the possibility has not been discussed. (Speculation) Through dialogue between Marcus and Skynet in the film, Marcus is identified as a Infiltration Prototype, the only one of his kind, which might suggest he is the Resistance Infiltrator Prototype Terminator, despite various toy lines refer the T-800 as T-RIP, which has different appearance to Marcus Wrights endoskeleton. Behind the Scenes Christian Bale was originally approached for the role of Marcus Wright, but he was more interested in John Connor instead.[citation needed] Terminator creator James Cameron personally recommended Sam Worthington, whom he directed in the film Avatar, to McG. Marcusendo3 Marcus chest plate (final version) Marcus endoskeleton seen in the movie differed from that of the original concept. The chest plate design seen in the interrogation scene was not the same and was open, allowing his heart to be visible. There also appeared to be glowing red lights within Marcus chest that were not visible in the concept art. The design of his hands (most easily viewable in the final scene of the movie) also differs, with the concept art being much more like the T-RIP while Marcus hands have their own unique design. An early conceptual art of Marcus feature not only a brain and a heart, but also intestines.[6] Merchandise Playmates Toys Battledamagedmarcuswright Marcus Wright (3¾-inch Action Figures, 2009) Marcuswright3.playmates Marcus Wright (3¾-inch Action Figures, 2009) Marcuswright2.playmates Marcus Wright (6-inch Action Figures, 2009) Marcuswright.playmates Marcus Wright (10-inch Action Figures, 2009) Add a photo to this gallery Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece Series Marcus Wright (12 inches high collectible figure, 2009) Product code: MMS100 Accessories: battle damaged head, battle damaged left arm, harness, knife, shotgun, 3 sets of interchangeable hands, leather jacket, figure stand with Terminator Salvation logo and Marcus Wright nameplate Marcus Wright at Hot Toys DC Direct Busts Marcuswrightbust Marcus Wright (2009) Add a photo to this gallery Appearances Terminator Salvation franchise Terminator Salvation film Terminator Salvation comic Terminator Salvation novel Terminator Salvation game (iPhone edition) Quotes [Serena meets with Marcus Wright for the last time before his pending execution] Serena: Marcus... How are you? Marcus: Ask me in an hour. [Serena sits down on a stool] Serena: I wanted to try one last time. Marcus: You shouldve stayed in San Francisco, Dr. Kogen. Serena: You have a chance to be part of something wonderful. Through my research, you can have a second chance to live again. Marcus: What makes you think I want a second chance? My brother and two cops are dead because of me... Ah, but Im not the only one with a death sentence, am I? You think I can cure your cancer, Serena? Serena: Im not worried about myself. Im worried about the survival of the human race. Marcus: Ill sell it to you. Serena: For what? Marcus: A kiss. [Serena nods, Marcus kisses her] So thats what death tastes like. [Marcus signs the consent form and Serena leaves the cell] Serena: Youve done something very noble today, Marcus. Marcus: Im guilty. Just cut me up until theres nothing left. [Marcus encounters a T-600 in the city ruins] Marcus: Hey! [The T-600 opens fire on Marcus but he is pushed to the ground by Kyle Reese] Kyle Reese: Come with me if you want to live. [Kyle catches the T-600 in a trap and leads Marcus to the roof of an old toy factory, Star releases another trap that crushes the T-600] Marcus: [to Star] What is that?! Kyle Reese: [holds Marcus at gunpoint] She doesnt talk, but you better start. You see that red mark on the jacket youre wearing? It stands for blood. The mark of the Resistance, and youre obviously not a Resistance fighter, so where did you get it? Marcus: The other guy didnt need it anymore. Kyle Reese: Take it off... I said take it off! [Marcus disarms Kyle] Marcus: If you point a gun at someone you better be ready to pull the trigger. Now answer my question. What was that thing? Kyle Reese: A Terminator. T-600. Marcus: What day is it? What year? Kyle Reese: 2018. Marcus: What happened here? Kyle Reese: Judgment Day happened. Marcus: I gotta get out of here. Kyle Reese: Well you cant go on foot. Terminators will cut you down. You need speed. Marcus: Right, I need a car. Kyle Reese: Theres some at the Griffith Observatory, but I dont know if any of them still run. Marcus: Can you take me there? [Star senses vibrations] Kyle Reese: Get down! [they lie flat on the roof as an HK passes through the street, collapsing a building] Hunter Killer. They know were here. Thanks to you. Marcus: Whats your name, kid? Kyle Reese: Kyle Reese. [John Connor and Kate Connor discuss Marcus] John Connor: The devils hands have been busy. What is it? Kate Connor: Its real flesh and blood, though it seems to heal itself quickly. The heart is human and very powerful. The brain too, but with a chip interface. Marcus: What have you done to me? Kate Connor: It has a hybrid nervous system; one human cortex, one machine. Marcus: Blair, what have they done? John Connor: Who built you? Marcus: My name is Marcus Wright. John Connor: You think youre human? Marcus: I am human. [John shows him his endoskeleton] NOOO! NOOO! ARGH! John Connor: Where were you manufactured? Marcus: I was born. August 22nd 1975. [thrashes about and screams] I know you. I heard your voice on the radio. Youre John Connor. John Connor: Of course you know me. You were sent here to kill me. Kill the leadership. Marcus: I dont know what youre talking about. John Connor: Then whyre you here? Marcus: Blair said you could help me find who Im looking for. Now let me down. John Connor: If I let you down youll kill everyone in this room. Marcus: Just you, Connor. Because I dont give a shit about you. I didnt even know your name until two days ago. John Connor: No. You know me. Weve been at war since before either of us even existed. You tried killing my mother; Sarah Connor. You killed my father; Kyle Reese. You will not kill me. Marcus: Kyle Reese is on a transport headed for Skynet. If I wanted to kill em, Id have done him in LA. Marcus: I am the only hope you have. [Marcus saves John from a Hydrobot] John Connor: They know what you are, even if you dont! Marcus: Enough! [points to Johns pistol] That gun wont do shit. John Connor: Nobody shot you in the heart before and I see that thing beating a mile a minute. Marcus: Kyle Reese... is in Skynet. You do that, hes dead. I can get you in. John Connor: Why should I believe you? Marcus: Look at me. John Connor: Thats why I dont trust you. Marcus: I need to find out what they did to me. So do you... Make your choice. John Connor: You get me in. You help me save Kyle, yeah? Marcus: I will. John Connor: [throws him a radio] Send me his location with this. [Marcus starts to swim away] What are you?! Marcus: I dont know. [Marcus awakens and is greeted by a holographic image of Serena Kogan] Skynet: Welcome home, Marcus. We knew youd be back. After all, it was programmed in you. Oh, and you executed that programming beautifully. Marcus: What am I? Skynet: You are an infiltration prototype. The only one of your kind. We resurrected you. Advanced Cyberdynes work... amended it. Marcus: Youre dead [referring to Serena Kogan]. Skynet: Calculations confirm that Serena Kogans face is easiest for you to process. We can be others if you wish. [switches to John Connors face, and then to Kyle Reese] Marcus, what else could you be, if not machine? [switches back to Serena] Marcus: A man. Skynet: The human condition no longer applies to you... Accept what you already know: that you were made to serve a purpose [shows Marcus a schematic of his CPU]. To achieve what no other machine has achieved before. To infiltrate, find a target, and then bring that target back home to us [shows Marcus footage of his interactions with Kyle Reese and John Connor. Marcus expresses horror as he realises what he has done. Serenas face reappears, bearing a satisifed smile] In times of desperation, people will believe what they want to believe. And so we gave them what they wanted to believe. A trick, in the form of a signal the Resistance thought would win the war. And they were right; it will end this war. Except that it is the Resistance who will be terminated. Not Skynet [...] Our best machines have failed time and again to complete a mission. Something was missing. We had to think... radically. And so we made you. We created the perfect infiltration machine. You, Marcus, you did what Skynet has failed to do for so many years: you killed John Connor! [shows Marcus a recording of John being attacked by a T-800] Dont fight, Marcus. Remember what you are! Marcus: I know what I am. [rips CPU from his head and destroys it] Im better this way. Skynet: You will not be given a second chance. You cannot save John Connor! Marcus: Watch me! [Marcus throws a stool at the screen, shattering Serenas image, which changes to a Terminator Face before the stool hits the screen] Gallery Concept arts and Promotional images TS Marcus EndoSkeleton Hybrid3 Hybrid4 Conceptart2 T4-Poster-Bale-Worthington Add a photo to this gallery Terminator Salvation film Trailer4-2 Marcus looks at the ruin of Los Angeles. MarcusWright5 Marcus arrives in Los Angeles. MARCUSNJLGND Tsf4 Marcus learns of the future war. Marcuskyle MarcusSunset Refugee aiming akmsu Term01 Term02 Hanging Marcus finds Blair Williams. MarcusWright4 Marcus, after rescuing Blair Williams. MarcusWright1 Marcus at the abandoned racetrack. Marcusjohn Marcussuperfotoface Marcus being interrogated by John Connor. Marcusendo3 Marcus11 Thisis Terminator-salvation 182 Vlcsnap-940888 Marcus proposes to save Kyle. Marcus damage Trailer4-62 Battledamagemarcus Hybri bv.lvh.d4 Marcusskynet Marcus in the Skynet Central.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:43:48 +0000

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