Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana has died from contracting a flesh – - TopicsExpress


Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana has died from contracting a flesh – eating virus from swimming in the Louisiana Gulf Coast waters. Three others are ill from the same virus, known as Viria vulnificus (VV). The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (LDHH) claims that this is a naturally occurring bacterium found in warm waters. Kathy Klebert, secretary for the LDHH explained : “We certainly do not mean to discourage people from enjoying water activities, but we want them to understand the potential risks involved. DHH works with other state and local partners to monitor and test beach water to inform residents of the water quality and we hope residents will heed posted beach advisories when they see them.” The LDHH are monitoring beach locations such as: • Cypremot Point • Fontainebleau • Grand isle • Fourchon • Holly beach • Rutherford • Martin • Long beach • Little Florida • Gulf Breeze The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that VV is of the same family of bacteria as cholera which thrives “in warm seawater and is part of a group of vibrios that are called ‘halophilic’ because they require salt.” VV can enter the human body through eating seafood or an open wound “that is exposed to seawater.” Symptoms of VV include: • Vomiting • Diarrhea • Abdominal pain This virus “can infect the bloodstream, causing a severe and life-threatening illness characterized by fever and chills, decreased blood pressure (septic shock), and blistering skin lesions.” According to a study conducted by scientists at the Auburn University, the presence of VV is found in the Corexit tar balls that have also been found washed up on shore in Louisiana. In Louisiana, remnants of the 2010 BP oil spill have washed up on shore in the form of tarballs that are heavily laced with Corexit. A representative from the Louisiana state Wildlife and Fisheries Department remarked that a “large mat of tar on one beach and concentrations of tar balls on adjacent beaches.” Researchers from the UN-sponsored Greenpeace have taken samples along the affected beaches in the Bin Secour National Wildlife Refuge in Alabama. It is estimated that 1 million barrels of oil remain at the seabed in the Gulf of Mexico, left behind by the BPDH oil spill. This re-emergence of the prior disaster has prompted officials in Washington, DC to request federal agencies reassess the Gulf region’s safety as residents are continuously being exposed to Corexit and remnants of the oil spill. Garret Graves, Gov. Bobby Jindal’s top adviser on coastal issues, asserts that “there’s a smoking gun” and demands that tests be conducted on the origin of the oil. State officials have restricted fishing, keeping commercial and recreational fishing out of the areas affected. Tar mats have been identified on multiple beaches and surveys are finding more. Graves is concerned that the preliminary studies are not through. BP said in a public statement regarding the allegations that the 2010 oil spill is the cause of this new phenomenon: “With many of the southern parishes of Louisiana still inundated with flood waters and not accessible at this time, it is premature to make any claims about possible oiling there — whether it is from the Deepwater Horizon accident or any other source.” BP is choosing to wait for the “Coast Guard’s federal on-scene coordinator” before admitting that the residual oil is from the Deepwater Horizon spill. Coast Guard Capt. Peter Gautier confirmed that there are concurrent investigations of pollution caused by negligence due to leaks and oil sheens from tank batteries and wellheads as well as storage tanks that were situated at a closed railroad terminal. These tank cars contained hazardous chemicals that were compromised and contaminated neighboring areas. To aid in the cleaning of the spill, BP authorized the use of Corexit . The chemical is touted as being a dispersant that breaks up the oil into bio-degradable droplets that will “immediately sink below the surface” reducing the oil’s exposure to surrounding wildlife and exposure to humans. Corexit was found to be deadly and its use in the Gulf was directly causational to the plankton, fish, birds and wildlife. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) stated Corexit’s use in oil spill clean-up is a “trade-off to lessen the overall environmental impact.” This trade-off infiltrated beaches and coastlines from Louisiana to Florida and made the regions completely toxic. After some time, and contamination of Corexit in the natural environment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ordered BP to use an alternative asserting that corexit was too poisonous. According to the Army Corps of Engineers, in 2007 the US government allocated 40 billion for a project to depopulate the Gulf Coast region. The purpose of depopulating residents from this area was touted as the creation of a natural barrier to save the coastline from future hurricanes. Susan Rees, project director, said: “The whole concept of trying to remove people and properties from the coast is very, very challenging. The desire to live by the water is strong.” With the new threat of Corexit laced tarballs strewn across beaches in Louisiana, there may be a resurrection of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the depopulation agenda to reserve the area for multi-national corporations to create an area designated for oil drilling that would be void of environmental concerns with the removal of the residential population. Witnesses in California have found the same strange flesh – eating virus, known as the “blue plague” because it falls from the sky. Corexit is suspected as the culprit for this new killer. The chemical evaporates, and is carried into the clouds where it is then rained down. In areas where Corexit has been used, in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico, the blue plague can be found. YouTube
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 19:21:31 +0000

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