Terri Shields POSTED very important to know! When satan - TopicsExpress


Terri Shields POSTED very important to know! When satan (Antichrist) and his cronies (his angels) get here, they will arrive in what we call UFOs, but the vehicles are not unidentifiable by our Father. They are mentioned in Eze 1. The vehicles are also refereed to as horses, chariot of fire...etc. Gods vehicle was the color amber, in the Hebrew means highly polished bronze. They are not alien vehicles When satan and his cronies come.....do not buy their story....we were created by creators (plural), they come from another star system, another consciousnesses, an altered state...etc.. Its all lies. And right now, the masses are being programmed to accept the lies. The Vatican came out saying they believe in aliens...we have shows like ancient aliens series...They were not aliens but fallen angles. Call them what you will they are still the same evil beings.....fallen angels. This world age is for testing..and the biggest testing is coming...the tribulation which Christ also called the hour of temptation, which is satans hour..and yes, what hell be selling will be very tempting to those who dont know any better. Dan_8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. Craft- Hebrew- H4820 מרמה mirmâh meer-maw From H7411 in the sense of deceiving; fraud: - craft, deceit (-ful, -fully), false, feigned, guile, subtilly, treachery. by peace shall destroy many...with peace..he will come in peacefully...not with war and killing people...and destroy not talking flesh here....satan is out to destroy our soul. Ones soul can be destroyed int he lake of fire...blotted out, as never existed. We are either going to be faithful to our Father, or fall for satans lies and worship as the God of gods, as he will claim himself to be: Dan 11:36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. He will claim to be the God of gods. He will claim to be the Messiah of every religion, Jesus, the 12 Iman, Buddah..etc. Satans deception will go so far down the rabbit hole...its almost hard to comprehend the depths of it. Satan will twist all we know to be true of our Fathers word. His flood of lies are coming. And I feel we are close...many signs in the heavens and earth, and prophecies being fulfilled. When pretty boy and his sidekicks are here...they are going to make those Sumerian tablets come to life, playing out the whole, sick deception....horrible twisting of Gods truth, And be not surprised, Satan twisted Gods Word, when he misquoted scripture to tempt Christ...twisting the scripture into a lie. And Eve, satans lie... You shall be as gods. Sound familiar? And their eyes would be opened.. What a joke, their spiritual eyes became closed by believing his lies..... And Cain being the author of those Sumerian tablets, Cain who was a liar and a murderer...yeah, like anyone should really want to give those tablets any credibility. Satan knew Gods plan, Gods Word... Just as he was there in the garden, at the beginning of the age, trying to destroy Christs bloodline... So was he there at the beginning to get his lies out there, before our Fathers Word was written down, though till then it was passed down orally... satans MO hasnt changed..nothing new under the sun... The greatest deception the world has ever seen will soon be upon us!!!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 05:43:01 +0000

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