Terrific Thursday Morning to you my friends. Im up... barely! LOL - TopicsExpress


Terrific Thursday Morning to you my friends. Im up... barely! LOL Boy do I need a sleep in day! Last night I had an opportunity to hear a guest speaker tell of his struggle with forgiveness. I cant remember his name right now, but it was incredible, and brought me to tears. He found his Father murdered, and spent two years trying to avenge his Dads murderer who was his Dads business partner. The business partner beat the murder charge due to reasonable doubt. God had a heart to heart talk with this man, and the man actually met up with the murderer and asked him to forgive him for wanting to kill him. Not only did he ask the man to forgive him, he lead the man to Christ! It was amazing. The man acknowledges that it was Christ in him that allowed these chain of events to happen. He was not capable of that kind of forgiveness. Just amazing. It was also wonderful that we took communion last night and Pastor Ryan read from Matthew 26... our chapter yesterday. I thought of the Jesus/Judas exchange. Oh I am so filthy and so undeserving of Jesus love, yet He loves me anyway. We are in Matthew 27. Judas change of heart. When seeing what he has done, Judas goes back to the high priest. He declares Christs innocence, throws down the money and hangs himself. The 30 pieces of silver is used to buy the potters field since its blood money. It was like taking something dirty and trying to do good with it to ease their conscience. This was foretold by Jeremiah. Jesus stands before Pilate. Are you king of the Jews? You have said so. is Jesus reply. His is the King of the Jews. He then remains silent through out the rest of the interrogation and accusations. Pilate offers up Barabbas as a replacement for Christ. He knows Jesus is innocent. Even his wife has suffered from a dream about Jesus and has told Pilate not to get involved with this. The crowd choses Barabbas over Jesus. The same crowd that acknowledged Him as Messiah is now crying for His death. We are so fickle of heart. Pilate washes his hands of the situation trying to ease his own conscience. First Judas, then the pharisees and now Pilate. Notice how all the key players know what they are doing, know they are killing an innocent man, and take outward actions to try to ease their conscience. Jesus is beaten before being turned over to be crucified. He is mocked by the soldiers. Given a robe and crown of thorns and a red as a scepter. He is then mocked, beaten with the rod, spit on... the humiliation He had to endure for us. Simon helps carry Jesus cross to Golgatha. They crucify Him. They give Him wine/vinegar mixed with gall to drink. He refuses. They gamble off His clothing. They place a sign over His head This is Jesus. The King of the Jews. That probably ticked the Pharisees off. They mock Him. Save yourself you who proclaim to be the Son of God. Please note to anyone who says Jesus never said He was the son of God... Oh please... He says so repeatedly. Even the Pharisees acknowledge His statements as they mock Him. He proclaims to be Messiah. He isnt the kind of Messiah they want. The thieves beside Him mock Him also. Darkness falls upon the earth. Jesus cries out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The weight of our sins are upon our Savior. The Father cant look upon sin. The Son full of our sin is alone. Then He gives one final cry and dies. The veil in the temple is torn in two. Jesus has given us access to the Father through His death. No animal sacrifice is now required. The Lamb has been slain. The tombs are open and the dead walk the street. A lot of people dont know this. Its not talked about a lot. The dead walked the streets upon Jesus death. There is an earthquake. The people watching Jesus recognize He is the Son of God. Joseph of Arimathea, asks for the body of Jesus. He is a follower of Christ. Jesus is placed in the tomb and the stone is rolled to close the tomb. The two Marys sit outside the tomb. Soldiers are sent to guard the tomb. The tomb is sealed. This is because Jesus had predicted that He will rise again! Sunday morning is a-coming my friends. youtube/watch?v=YByT6wfdhJs
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:13:52 +0000

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