Terrific Tuesday Ladies, Abraham, Listen to Sarah Your Wife! - TopicsExpress


Terrific Tuesday Ladies, Abraham, Listen to Sarah Your Wife! (Is the answer to yesterday’s trivia) “God told Abraham to listen to Sarah and to do what she said (Gen. 21:12). Imagine that—even though Sarah got emotional, God wanted Abraham to heed her advice. He often wants to use wives to correct their husbands, to advise them, to mature them, to help them solve their problems and give them insight. That’s what helpers are for.” https://bible.org/seriespage/yes-my-lord%E2%80%94-ithe-story-abraham-and-sarahi “Do not fear for the youth and for your maidservant. All that Sarah says to you, listen to her voice, because through Isaac will your descendants be called. However, I will also make the son of the maidservant into a nation, because he is of your seed.” - Genesis 21:12-13 I’ve learned over the years it’s not beneficial for me to hurt my husband even when he hurts me. The wrath of him hurting from any situation (rather he admits hurt or not) has always hit our children and I first and the hardest. Like Eve, Sarah initially made a suggestion to her husband outside the will of God that hurt her 1st and the most. I’m learning more and more God can fight the battle better than I can and while He work on him, can make provisions for our kids and I at the same time. It’s very difficult to practice, but effective and it keeps my hands clean and blessings flowing. It is God’s design for men to head, cover, provide, and protect the home. When man is out of order the woman can still cover the home with Gods covenant and continued blessings. That’s why it’s so important for each person to have a personal relationship with God. Scripture teaches as the husband follows Christ, wives we submit to them. There is no place in the bible that it says to follow them on the wide road of destruction. That’s the B clause we rarely hear from the husband/fiancé/boyfriend/baby daddy in heated arguments on demands for respect. I don’t know a woman that wants to carry the whole load, and I know plenty of very intelligent independent women that can and do. The frustration comes in when we partner with persons that want the respect and privileges to lead but don’t want to be obedient and make the sacrifices that God requires. They want the strong willed help mate to hold it down on that end while they enjoy and take credit for the outcome. Respect is not just given on demand because of gender yet earned with integrity from your lifestyle and unselfish decision making no matter what your gender may be. Today’s Devotional: “The One at God’s Right Hand” Psalm 80:8-19 vs. 19 “Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. Today’s Trivia Question: Which woman in the bible liked to cook and clean for Jesus?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:40:21 +0000

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