Terrorism: The Pakistani Taliban attack in Peshawar Firstly, - TopicsExpress


Terrorism: The Pakistani Taliban attack in Peshawar Firstly, the Taliban we all recognize ( the folks that harbored Osama Bin Laden) is completely different from the Pakistani Taliban. That is why, Pakistani Intelligence agencies work with the Taliban, while attacking the Pakistani Taliban. The Pakistani Taliban ranks are filled primarily of Pashtuns ( an ethnic group) whereas the Pakistani army is comprised almost entirely of Punjabis another ethnic group. The Pashtuns tend to not consider themselves as Pakistani, and despise the central government. Now it is unfair to say all Pashtuns favor the Taliban or support their methods. However, the idea of a separate Pashtunistan or a more autonomous region called Pashtunkhwa is in the minds of a lot of Pashtuns. And mind you the Pashtuns ferociously guard their way of life. The reasons for the recent rift between the Pashtuns of the autonomous regions and the Pakistani army can be found in the US war in Afghanistan. As for the school attack, the reason is quite simple. A new offensive has been launched against the Pakistani Taliban since summer, and the Pakistan army has made gains. The Pakistani Taliban is in disarray because of multiple splits in the group, and US drone strikes. The silver lining in all this might be, the Pakistani Taliban might now become a spent force, the movement has floundered. This was nothing more than a cornered political entity lashing out in desperation. Time will tell as to what will happen... For now though, the barbarism continues. Note: These are original articles by Nepali Progressives.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 02:58:20 +0000

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