Terrorism in Lebanon Part of Int’l Plot, March 14 Partner of - TopicsExpress


Terrorism in Lebanon Part of Int’l Plot, March 14 Partner of Takfiri Groups Mohamed Salami The eruption of the crisis in Syria has affected the security and stability of most of its neighboring countries, including Lebanon. Rockets, car bombs, and other forms of Takfiri assaults have rocked the Lebanese territories.Haret Hreik Blast A whole pro-West local, regional and international players and their media machines have falsely accused Hezbollah of being responsible for the recent terrorist attacks that hit Lebanon, claiming that the partys military intervention in Syria caused the militants to carry out their crimes in the different Lebanese areas. The Takfiri attacks against the Lebanese and Syrian towns and launching rockets onto the Lebanese town of Hermel and the southern suburb of Beirut marked the beginning. The Takfiri militants, then, escalated their assaults by sending booby-trapped cars to Bir al-Abed, Ruwais, Bekaa and Haret Hreik. March 14 Claims Refuted Justifying these terrorist attacks by attributing it to Hezbollah military intervention in Syria dominated over the rhetoric of the Lebanese political team, March 14, which vainly aimed at distorting the partysMarch 14 reputation and at weakening its publics will. March 14 argument, however, missed major facts that directly deny and refute it. As Syria crisis was orchestrated by the West, the Zionist-Western project exploited the extremist armed groups in the world to face the resistance axis in the Middle East, starting with destroying Syria-the nation. The takfiri and foreign militant groups in Syria threatened clearly that it would target Hezbollah and its public long time before the party has even contemplated a military intervention in Syria. As such, Hezbollah as well as its public has been a main target for this Takfiri plot that has been in the making since a long time in Lebanon. March 14 Complete Partner of Takfiri Groups The political analyst, Salem ZahranSalem Zahran, argues that March 14 functions as a complete partner of these Takfiri groups by providing them with all the security and the political cover, thus, justifying their terrorist acts. Zahran referred to the case of Arsals mayor who obtained full political protection from March 14 after he led a group of militants who killed and wounded a number of the Lebanese army soldiers in the Lebanese town which borders Syria Wahabi-Takfiri Groups: A Glimpse of History In its battle against the Soviet Union, the United States of America has recruited the Wahabi-Takfiri groups in Afghanistan to fight the Russians, what perpetuated these groups. Zahran, claims that thousands of the Lebanese have joined these groups in Afghanistan, and that the Lebanese security services have lists of their names. What is taking place now is that these Takfiri tendencies, reflected through the Arab Spring, are being translated in the surrounding countries, including Lebanon, he added. Zahran pointed out that the US who co-founded Wahabi-Takfiri groups as it benefitted from the British experience in this regard. He also added that Britain has been a stronghold for these groups where their commanders have resided temporarily or permanently since a long time. The US administration concluded that the Wahabi-Takfiri doctrine best fits fighting Communism. Based on the fact that the US regulations prevent the administration from directly funding and embracing the Takfiri groups, SaBandarudi Arabia was chosen by the US to play this strategic role, according to Zahran. Osama Ben Laden, ex-friend of current Saudi King, led al-Qaeda group against the Russians in Afghanistan. After the demise of the International Communism, the part of US-made Takfiri groups rebelled against their American master--yet served the American interests by presenting Islam as the religion of terrorism. Being one of the victimized countries, Lebanon has been suffering from this international Takfiri plot since a long time. According to Zahran, these terrorist cells have been formed in Lebanon since a long time and in different geographical areas. In 2000, an al-Qaeda-linked militant group ambushed an army patrol in Dunneyyah, northern Lebanon, killing and kidnapping a number of soldiers. Zahran added that after the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri, the sectarian instigations led a Lebanese political milieu to embrace terrorist groups which started to carry out different explosions and assassinations in the different Lebanese areas. In 2007, the Lebanese army had also to face these Takfiri groups as it combated Fateh al-Islam, a terrorist group, in the Palestinian camp of Nahr al Bared, northern Lebanon. The Lebanese poAssirlitical commentator revealed that terrorist Ahmad al-Assir started before the eruption of Syria crisis forming small terrorist groups whose sectarian role appeared clearly in 2013 when they clashed with the Lebanese army that overcame them. Zahran pointed out that the Takfiri groups targeted several countries, including Egypt, Tunisia and Libya although they did not have military intervention in Syria. Takfiri terrorism in Lebanon, directly or indirectly, is acting as a part of an international plot that has aimed at striking the axis of resistance in the Middle East and the military in these countries so that the Zionist project can proceed in the region. It is an international plot that is backed and funded by the United States of America and aided by Britain as well as Saudi Arabia to serve the imperial policies by sowing the seeds of the sectarian sedition in Lebanon and in the region. almanar.lb/english/adetails.php?eid=131855&cid=23&fromval=1&frid=23&seccatid=14&s1=1
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 06:09:56 +0000

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