Terrorism in many places around the world is not necessarily a - TopicsExpress


Terrorism in many places around the world is not necessarily a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into.” - Barack HUSSEIN Obamas words when it was pointed out to him that ISIS was NO JV team Tonight in prime time President Obama (still gag on that six years later) will address the nation about what he intends to do about ISIS...at least thats what we are led to believe he will do. But true to form we all know that whatever Obama says will be words twisted in such a way as to cover for his faux-pas of last week when he said, we dont have a strategy yet in regards to what we...meaning him...intends to do about ISIS...as he tries to stop his continuing to fall poll numbers. And by his constantly calling them ISIL instead of ISIS...done purposely as a nod to his muslim brethren...we know exactly what his true plans are...as in to do NOTHING of true substance at all. But the fact is that Obama has lost all credibility on all things Middle East...NOT that he ever had much to begin with...and NO matter what he says tonight he has slim to NO chance of persuading We the People that he now knows what he’s doing...what hes leading our country into doing...in regards to the Middle East. And if truth be told Obama really does NOT care either way as he chose sides in this battle long ago when he wrote on page 261 of the paperback edition of The Audacity of Hope,I will stand with the muslims if political winds shift in an ugly direction...words that have come back to haunt him time and time again.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 13:06:39 +0000

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