Terrorism works. Sharia law will be implemented through fear. - TopicsExpress


Terrorism works. Sharia law will be implemented through fear. LGBTQ and feminists should be alarmed - but they wont be - CHRISTIANS are the real enemy here. I dont watch TV, but apparently everyone is using the phrase we are all Charlie Hebdo without actually showing the cartoons they published. BRAVE journalists? Its not sensitivity its outright FEAR. NOBODY is Charlie Hebdo! America has freedom of speech. Its only freedom if the most offensive speech is allowed. If blasphemy laws are upheld in the West, how much longer will it be until our new laws about LGBTQ are targeted for offending Muslims? Wait, wait, wait, Christians are bad here. . . Christians are the haters against LGBTQ, right? Christians allow all kinds of blasphemy especially during Christmas talking about how Christ wasnt this or that. . . its all taken from pagan rituals and concepts. . . But dont you DARE EVER offend Muslims. Theyll kill you. And they are right to be offended. None of our brave western publications are apparently showing the cartoons. They showed a picture of the guy who died with the cover edited. They edited out the picture of Mohammed, but left the offensive picture of a Jewish caricature. You liberals need to be sure that the CHRISTIANS are the enemy you should be fighting. I doubt when Muslims come for other haram policies of the west that Christians will be quick to defend things you hold so dear. Liberals bash Christians because they know Christians ARE peaceful. Terrorism works. The blasphemy laws that the terrorists wanted were implemented because they killed the 12 people at a newspaper. Liberty is dying. Spare me the they arent real Muslims speech. Spare me the most Muslims are peaceful and loving speech. Islamic terrorism is effectively implementing sharia law worldwide. I hope that the feminists and LGBTQ people will go to a Mosque soon and ask their opinions on current social issues. They wont because they are afraid. They arent afraid of Christians. It makes a difference. Terrorism works. . . that means we will see more of it. It worked in Benghazi (the future does not belong to those who slander the Prophet). . . I wish publications would refer to Jesus as the Messiah rather than qualifying Jesus as the person Christians believe to be God. Muslims who call Jesus a prophet is OFFENSIVE to Christians. There is important stuff going on in this world. The left gets outraged over the wrong stuff and the wrong people if they are interested in freedom. Its not new. Its just becoming more apparent that freedom is dying in this world. https://youtube/watch?v=WklsCGIfLdQ#t=219
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 09:45:07 +0000

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