Terrorists are people from the Investigative Committee of the - TopicsExpress


Terrorists are people from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation wants to create for the Ukrainian POW torture - NSDC. VIDEO Terrorists want to create in Donetsk lock interrogation, which will knock the recognition of Ukrainian prisoners of war, and then transport them to the territory of Russia, where they will arrest for allegedly illegally crossing the border and hold show trials. This is stated in a telephone conversation yesterday, the head of the Coordinating Centre for the so-called New Russia in Moscow Alexei Markov, Prime Minister terrorist organization Peoples Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko. Record intercepted conversation today at a briefing in Kiev unveiled spokesman for the National Security Council Andrei Lysenko, said Tsenzor.NET referring to TSN. Markov in the conversation said that Western countries will soon have to recognize the DNR and LC terrorist organizations. Accordingly, all of the state and private individuals who will help them, fall under the sanctions. The authorities of the Russian Federation is trying to be proactive. And they set the goal in the near future to collect an array of data (photos, video), the recognition of prisoners of war New Russia. To me the people went out of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation with a request to effect a contact with the leadership of DNR on three issues - said Markov Zaharchenko. Read also Tsenzor.NET: In the Russian army shot column were dozens of wounded and captured Russian paratroopers - Filatov Firstly, the employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the territory plan to interrogate Donbass Ukrainian military, the terrorists were captured, then to throw them in Russia, there is delay and to conduct high-profile trials for illegal border crossing. Second. They are very much asking to collect all possible information about the citizens of the Russian Federation, who are fighting on the side of Ukraine. They were given clear orders to launch active operational activities in relation to these citizens. First arrests in Moscow and St. Petersburg have already taken place. Task - to completely abandon without the support of the other side, at least in the Russian Federation , - said Markov. Read also Tsenzor.NET: teroristov staged a public mockery of the military commissar Amvrosievsky district Vladimir Moskovko. Lieutenant Colonel died at the hands of his son In addition, the coordinator of the terrorists from Moscow said that Russia is ready to send to informally Donbass few seasoned Investigative Committee. To assist the investigation authorities New Russia , which began to form, and for questioning, all operational activities in the area. But, provided, of course, it would not be somewhere near the front line. Ideally, if the government New Russia be able to provide a small room with a small basement for temporary detention of prisoners of war particularly interesting. Investigative Committee of the People are ready to provide any assistance - logistical, help people to carry out the filtering of prisoners, and perhaps after consulting with New Russia , some of these prisoners will suddenly pop up on the territory of the Russian Federation, where they will be immediately arrested for illegally crossing the border, - said Markov. Coordinator reported Zaharchenko that he already had time to talk with the clown. He liked the idea. Zaharchenko asked whom spoke Markov. He has specified that the King. Read also Tsenzor.NET Putin said of the need to negotiate with the terrorists of Donbass on state territory Markov with Zaharchenko agreed that employees of the Investigative Committee will come to the Ukrainian border near Zugres Donetsk region, and there are already terrorists and bring them to meet in Donetsk.censor.net.ua/video_news/300449/terroristy_s_lyudmi_iz_sledstvennogo_komiteta_rf_hotyat_sozdat_pytochnye_dlya_ukrainskih_voennoplennyh
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:00:14 +0000

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