Terry Jung 1 hr · Edited There Are Deeper Problems in - TopicsExpress


Terry Jung 1 hr · Edited There Are Deeper Problems in Ferguson Than The Shooting of Mike Brown If you watched live feeds from Ferguson, Missouri, last night, you may have seen what I thought to be a hopeful sign--that local Ferguson residents formed a chain between the police and faced off peacefully but firmly with the outside protesters to push them away from confronting police. Perhaps many of the people in that chain were Ferguson residents trying to keep the peace. However, something was revealed tonight about someone in that chain of peacekeepers--Makil Zulu Shabazz was one of them. Not familiar with the name? Not surprising because few in the news media made the connections either (including most of Fox--Sean Hannity made the ID). Shabazz was the former president of the New Black Panther Party and is a member of the Nation of Islam, along with several other racist hate groups. Why was he with the peacekeepers? How many others are of dubious backgrounds? What is Shabazz hoping to accomplish by joining the peacekeepers while at the same time there is video footage of him leading a group of Panthers and their supporters in crying out for the death of police officer Darren Wilson (the New Black Panther Party badge is a red/yellow/green dot/dark line). Ill post the video for you to see Malik Shabazz leading the death chant. Notice also the man in the yellow shirt with a beard in the front row--he will come into play later. Notice the children being added to the group and some of the other faces that are easily noted in the crowd scenes if youve been watching. Malik Zulu Shabazz is also associated with Barack Obama in the march in Selma when Obama was a candidate. Daneen Borelli pointed this out and was called a liar; I will post of picture of Obama speaking in which you can see Malik Shabazz and the man with the grey beard present during the death chant in Ferguson and some of the other participants in both Obamas crowd and in Ferguson. Is this going to be like the green on blue violence we see in Muslim countries? The Nation of Islam blending in with Ferguson peacekeepers until they can identify them and take them out (pure speculation on my part, but this greatly worries me. Take a look at the video of the death chant and compare it to the picture of Obamas Selma rally as a candidate for President. Video of the death chant against Darren Wilson, led by Malik Zulu Shabazz: https://youtube/watch?v=FwJrG2AMghw
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 05:39:17 +0000

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