Tesla For Dummies II (New Edit) Ahh, dont feel bad. I am gonna - TopicsExpress


Tesla For Dummies II (New Edit) Ahh, dont feel bad. I am gonna let you in on a little secret. They never taught you about him in School. Why? Well you see Tesla really was not into money, and he gave stuff to Humanity for free. Schools are basically Corporations who have overall agendas. They also are influenced by money. Therefore when it comes down to teaching, they teach what they are PAID to teach, and after all, most of THEM know nothing of Tesla either. Youre in good company. Edisons Foundation along with other Energy Cartels sponsor and pay for Education, and of course they only want Their Agendas promoted. Tesla is bad press for them. They would rather you not know. We are about to change that for you. Nikola Tesla is responsible for quite a bit of what you have and hold dear today. He is the Father of Wireless. Yes, everything you can think of that is wireless, and even stuff you never thought of as wireless, you can thank Tesla for. Lets start with AC Electric Power. You use it everyday (if you live in the West) and you take it pretty much for granted right? Well, it was Nikola Tesla that brought you that. With the help of Westinghouse. At the time, the OTHER GUY was a guy I am sure you are familiar with, as HE was all about money. You got taught about HIM in school. Thomas Edison. Edison had a far inferior way of getting electricity to you. He promoted (although he had little to do with creating it) DC Power. DC Power is what you use in portable radios and stuff. Batteries give DC power. If Edison had his way, you would be using DC power in your homes and offices today. It produces far less power, and it requires a power plant for every 10 square blocks. To produce this Power, Edison would want you to support the Coal Industry, as it would run most of the Power Plants. Kinda dirty eh? DC Power is great if you can create it on site but not if it should power need to be transported over great distances. Yes well Tesla had a far superior way of getting power to you, and a clean way. First he wanted to use NATURE to generate the power. Not dirty coal. His first power plant was (and still is) at Niagara Falls. It produces enough power (or did) to power the entire Eastern Seaboard, and it is clean. Endless energy, as unless you were able to stop the falls, you could not run out of your power source. Better idea eh? Converting this power to AC, it could be transported hundreds of miles. After that, it could be converted BACK to DC power (which the Energy Cartels did not want you to do at the source (your home) but instead in every product you use. This way you would pay more for each device, as each comes with its own inverter. If AC power was inverted back to DC power in the home or business it was being used in, the products could be made much cheaper. Not really in the Energy Cartels favor. If they had to accept AC power for transport, they certainly were going to make you convert each and every product you use individually to DC power before you used it. Companies like General Electric (Edisons) like that better. Well Tesla sold that off and he accomplished his Dream by doing that. He was not in the business to sell products, just to solve problems. He could create the power using Nature, and he could transport it over long distances. After that? This was up to you. Well, if you were given choices... that is. There was a great battle called The War of the Currents between Tesla and Edison. Tesla won, without the massive financial backing like Edison had, and because of his efforts, you now have clean AC Power coming into your homes and businesses. Unfortunately, it is not converted directly back to that DC power your products use from the wall plug in. Unfortunate for now, but as people of the future begin to create the power they need on site using Solar, Wind and Geo-Thermal etc. then they may question why they are inverting that power to AC, so it can be inverted back to DC in every appliance they use. We shall see what future Non Dummies think about this insane process, as they get off the Power Grid, controlled by these Energy Cartels. Some may argue that there are Coal Burning Plants that produce AC power today, and they would be right. However that was not Teslas idea. After Niagara Falls, he had a better idea. How to get clean wireless energy to every home on the planet. An endless supply from nature. There are many ways to get power from Nature. Water is only one. Wind, Solar, Geo-Thermal... all these are forms of free energy that Tesla was very much behind. Yet before I go on with that, let me touch on a few other things Tesla brought to you, that you may not know of: >Robotics Tesla came up with the first radio control and he was able to power a boat with it. He demonstrated this boat publicly on 2 occasions before 1900. People were in awe. It kinda pissed Edison off, but not enough not to find a way to make money with it. When you see that little rover on Mars... you are looking at Tesla Tech. >Radio Yes, with this boat, he also invented radio. That was how it was controlled. Radio signals. Tesla could transmit radio signals up to 50 miles away when he demonstrated that boat. He could increase the power. Relay stations are what they use today, or satellite. >Solar Array and Bladeless Wind Turbine. Now, as for the Solar Array he called it a device: U.S. Patent No. 685,957 – Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy and U.S. Patent No. 685,958 – Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy. Both these patents were filed on March 21, 1901 and granted on November 5, 1901. Basically the first Solar Arrays He also invented the bladeless turbine which can be used for many things, including Wind: Patented May 6, 1913. a@ W l 51 Ilielffomxm S Original application filed October 21, UNITED STATES PATENT oEEioE. NIKOIA TESLA, 0F NEW YORK, N. Y. TUBBINE Specification of Letters Patent. 1909, Serial No. 523,882. Divided and this application med January 17, 1911. Serial No. 603,049, Patented May 6, 1913. There is a reason why I list these separately. These systems were incapable of giving you constant power at the time. They needed storage. The batteries of the day were not capable of handling the storage (which is untrue today) and hydrogen tech was nowhere near as advanced as it is today. Today you may adopt these lesser solutions and I even think (personally) that they are BETTER systems, as ONE main source could be destroyed or sabotaged. Impossible if everyone has their OWN power source with Teslas Wind/Solar. > X-Ray, Radar, Television, Neon Lighting, Remote Control... all of these things Tesla brought you. Tesla was what they call a Discoverer and not a Farmer, which means that he was not interested in making money from what he discovered. He left that for YOU & ME to do. He simply pointed the way. Most of these things he brought out and demonstrated before the turn of the Century, but because he was not making MONEY for this stuff, many people did not hear of Tesla. Many thought these new creations had to be that of a Mad Scientist, and some took Decades to get to You & Me. In all Tesla had over 800 Patents. Stuff that to this day have not been produced. A voice recorder without tape for instance, voice-print for a typewriter, and although wireless color TV is just getting to the market now, the cameras cannot see through walls as Teslas could before 1900. Now I know your asking... How could they not teach me about this in School?. Hey I thought Marconi invented the Radio! Nope, Marconi and Edison stole Teslas Patents and bribed Judges to make them Macaronis in 1904. Teslas patents were from the late 1800s. The patents were (rightfully) turned back over to Tesla after his death in 1943. Tesla had no interest in making money from his discoveries. He wanted to show Mankind just how Nature could be used (instead of fossil fuels) to give us all an abundance, and using technology we could supply, at a very minimal cost, everything that was ever in humanities want or need. Well, Tesla brought us many things, but he did have a favorite. He wanted you to have this for free. He wanted everyone Worldwide to have this for free. If you got it, it would change almost every aspect of how you live today. It would change your Government. It would change your Country. It would end poverty and war, lessen diseases... oh I could go on & on. It was really important to Tesla that you have this. With this, people could still make money selling products. They could see an improvement for humanity worldwide. Yet Tesla was stopped by the very selfish, short sighted and greedy. The ones who ONLY cared about MONEY but were not smart enough to figure out that they could make more if they just listened to Mr. Tesla. This is what he wanted to give you: Worldwide, Wireless, Free, Electrical Power In such great quantities it could run your cars and trucks and aircraft and boats, your homes and factories. It would be clean, and it came from Nature. The Ionosphere. Lots of Nay Sayers and Energy Cartel Drones are dumb enough to accuse Mr. Tesla instead with being crazy, but the more you investigate Tesla, you will understand that he was no dummy. Neither will YOU be with some education. He proved it could be done. On not just ONE but on TWO occasions (just like his remote controlled boat) and he was in the process of building a Tower to transmit this power to ALL of us Worldwide when his funding was cut off and stopped for good! By people who wanted to enslave you. People interested in making MONEY. Just lately, a group (we helped promote here) bought the Wardenclyffe site where he built his tower, which was torn down during WWI in order to salvage the materials. They are talking about a Tesla Museum there, and WE, here at our #1 Tesla Group pray for them to simply rebuild that tower, and make it work, just to show that Tesla was right all along. Although WE already know that. Well, now that you know a little of Mr. Nikola Tesla, I would like to invite you to share this story, everywhere you can, and invite people to come and see more about Mr. Tesla, and how he HAS still the solution for all of Mankind. Adopting free energy into a Resource Based Economy would certainly be the coup de gratis for Tesla, if he were alive. However, possibly he still is, and living now in YOU and ME. Think Free. Share. Express Love by sharing this & let everyone come and see the Future @ facebook/groups/teslarelease/ Now you are no longer a Dummy.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 21:14:48 +0000

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