Tesla kept creating more and more, sleeping only two hours at - TopicsExpress


Tesla kept creating more and more, sleeping only two hours at night. Tesla would stay awake 22 hours a day, taking a nap 15 - 20 minutes for every four hours awake. This started when he was very young. When he was studying in Graz, Austria, Tesla became very good at playing billiards. Sometimes he would play more than 48 hours in a stretch. Also, once Tesla worked in his laboratory for 84 hours without any rest or sleep. To the people around him this was simply incredible. Tesla had unusual amounts of energy and would get complete schematics in an instant. All this and much more points to two possible conclusions: Tesla was an E.T. or Tesla was able to contact them and the invisible realms and that is how he would get his ideas and energy. Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest minds of all time and was considered to be the father of the 21st century. There were rumours that Tesla received his inventions from E.T. sources. Was this the main reason every step Tesla made was monitored by the elite?Hidden in plain sight Many devices that we use today contain Tesla’s patents, ideas, concepts. Most people have no idea that Tesla is behind these inventions. However, we rarely hear his name mentioned, especially in school books. His genius was often too much both for ordinary people and the elite. From bankers like JP Morgan to politicians, jealous, scientists, and others, the goal was to not only stop him from bringing these inventions to humanity but to steal them while keeping it out of the public eye. His research was a threat to everything humanity was allowed to know. Could there have been something hidden about Tesla that was an even bigger threat? Tesla wrote letters to friends in which he talked about mysterious signals. He was convinced that the communication was with E.T’s. Tesla was not very popular in those days and many newspapers mocked him for saying that he was in contact with some kind of space intelligence. What the press wrote was almost certainly ordered by those who did not want Tesla to succeed in his intentions. So what better way to belittle him than say that he was a mad scientist who thought he was in contact with aliens?
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 13:46:57 +0000

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