Test your knowledge of current events….take the following - TopicsExpress


Test your knowledge of current events….take the following quiz: 1) You just left a store where you bought a pack of skittles and some iced tea – you walk home… a) On the sidewalk to your front door b) In a straight line directly to your front door c) Meandering thru people’s backyards, alone, in the rain, in a hoodie. 2) You are an armed member of a community watch group with racist intentions of killing a black teenager – you… a) See a hooded teenager, draw your gun and shoot him b) See a black teenager, draw your gun and shoot him c) Call 911, identify yourself, tell them where you are and what you see, keeping your weapon tucked in the back of your pants. You then allow the teenager to punch you in the face breaking your nose, get tackled, scream for help, let him get on top of you allowing him to smash your head onto a concrete sidewalk at least 2 times before drawing your gun to shoot him – thereby shooting a black teenager and giving yourself a really neat alibi. 3) You are news organization who hears of a controversial shooting, you - a) Do the job of a first-class news organization and report facts as they are known b) Do the job of a first-class news organization and thoroughly investigate the facts before putting them on the air c) Selectively edit a 911 tape to make one party look racist and use a 7 year old picture of the other to make him look like an innocent child. 4) You are a famous race-hustler looking to get back in the news – you… a) Do what you always do – spread misinformation for the purpose of creating hatred and anger b) Do what you always do – get yourself involved with a tragedy that has nothing to do with you c) Do what you always do – chant “No justice, No Peace” for the purpose of instigating violence d) All of the above. 5) Your are the President of the United States embroiled in numerous political scandals. You hear of a controversial shooting- you… a) Tell people not to jump to conclusions and wait for the facts b) Remind people that tragedies happens and that you have confidence in local authorities to administer justice c) Use the dead teenager as a prop by saying that if you had a son he would have looked like the victim in order to distract from your current scandals. 6) You are the judge in a controversial case that has national attention – you – a) Conduct yourself like a professional jurist b) Go out of you way to assure a fair trail c) Allow the prosecution to hide evidence from the defense and publically berate the defendant for not being willing to testify at his trail. 7) You are the Attorney General of the United States. You hear of a controversial 2nd degree murder case- you… a) Tell people not to jump to conclusions and wait for the facts b) Remind people that tragedies happens and that you have confidence in local authorities to administer justice c) Claim to consider using a bogus Federal “hate-crime” charge, while changing the debate about “Stand your ground” laws that had nothing to do with the case being discussed and using a dead teenager as a prop to resurrect your previous failed attempts to enact strict anti-constitutional guns laws when you sold guns to Mexican drug lords in your Fast and Furious gun-running scheme that left over 300 people dead. 8) You are a Liberal. You hear about a Hispanic man who shot a black teenager and a jury of 6 women find him not guilty based on self defense. You – a) Accept the finding of the jury b) Not sure what really happened so you look further into the facts and evidence c) Blame all white men. 9) You are a Conservative. You hear about a Hispanic man who shot a black teenager and a jury of 6 women find him not guilty based on self defense. You – a) Accept the finding of the jury b) Not sure what really happened so you look further into the facts and evidence c) Figure President Obama, AG Eric Holder, the non-Fox Media and the Race Hustlers will distort everything to slander Conservatives and all white men. 10) You live in Chicago. 3 to 5 black youths are killed every day by other black youths. You – a) Pray that the President, the Attorney General, the local leaders, the race hustlers, and the media would show outrage and work together to stop these tragedies. b) Vote for people who will support “stop and frisk laws”, embrace conservative principles and reject the racism of low expectations and a culture of entitlements. c) Become a community organizer, win a couple of Chicago-style elections, get the hell out of there, become President, ignore anything that doesn’t profit you and blame everyone but yourself and your socialistic policies for everything that goes wrong - then blame the white guy.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 23:50:45 +0000

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