Testament civil Coming off Bakaba - City suburb And - TopicsExpress


Testament civil Coming off Bakaba - City suburb And established the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Bakaba in Bani Amr Ibn Auf , sat down on the Kulthum bin demolition and was told it came down on the Saad bin Khaythamah. End quote , and I most likely differed in how long Mktha Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in Quba , and more what was said twenty-two for the night , Bukhari said that he stayed a few nights and ten months as mentioned by Ibn Ishaq he stayed for four days from Monday to Friday The foundations in this period, which I disagree mosque of Quba , he went down the words of God : for the mosque founded on piety from the first day deserving of being based in which the men who love to purify themselves and God loves cleansers and says the son of Isaac : he realized Friday in Bani Salim bin Auf Vslaha in their mosque , was the first F prayed in the city and established Ali bin Abi Talib, the generosity of God and face Mecca three nights even led on the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him deposits that were with him to the people , even if completed , including the right of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , which Bakaba Login Prophet peace be upon him the city And the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to the city and in the way people were receiving it , do not pass the House of the role of supporters , but he called her family to get off them and say : Keep up we have in numbers, equipment , stamina , and holding the reins of the camel Qaswaa has loosened her out of hand , says to them the Messenger of Allah, peace God be upon him: turned the process , it is commanded And signed it again , no doubt it was a miracle of God to make it Nabih Ttaiba to the hearts of his friends over and what the Prophet peace be upon him district of Bani Najjar neighborhood if beaten timbrels and say I would love to Muhammad from a neighbor we Jawarmn Bani Najjar And supporters marched around him even if he has the role of the Bani Malik bin al-Najjar bracket camel in the position of the Prophets Mosque today , a Mrbd that day (which is the place where it is dried dates ) for orphaned Glamin of Bani Najjar said to one plain and the other Suhail The inn Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him for camel Vaanml Abu Ayyub Khalid bin Zaid Nejjari Khazraji trip and put it in his house , and invited fans to come down on them , he said peace be upon him : one with the trip , and the inn peace be upon him to Abu Ayyub even built his mosque and dwellings And descended upon peace in the Lower House and hating Abu Ayyub and greatest to be at altitude , he asked the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to be in height and is it may Allah be pleased with him and his family in marasmus , Prophet said : O Abu Ayyub : to enclose us and who Agchana wn to be in the house, Abu Ayyub al-Ansari was a great joy Descent Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in his house, many self interest and hospitality Says Abu Ayyub : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in wn house and we were on it in the house , has been broken love us the water So I made a mother Ayoub Bkotaifah us our money quilt other Nnschw by the water for fear that distills the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him than anything Veve , and we put him dinner and then send a reply to him if we have leftovers, I Timmt mother Ayoub Voklna it into his hand , false so the pond And encountered during the migration to the city was infested with fever , had not moved days until disease Abu Bakr Amer bin Fahirp and Bilal Astokhm companions Joe Diaspora who sheltered and woke up the instincts of homesickness missing , was the Prophet peace be upon him a lot of praying , saying : O dear to us city Khibna Mecca or more and correct them and bless us in Salla and extended and protected it and Make it Move Paljhfah Apostle in the city and the establishment of an Islamic state Became the city after the migration of the Prophet peace be upon him to in the sixteenth of March stronghold of Islam and Meshaal guidance and out the call to God and when he reached the Prophet peace be upon him to the city was inhabited by immigrants and supporters and the Jews , was the Prophet peace be upon him to begin to develop foundations that make this a strong community groups united on the basis of Islamic principles and religious ; arose following the steps of the Prophet to this end First: the construction of the mosque - any link nation in God Second, fraternity - any connection Muslim nation interrelated Third, the treaty between the Muslims and the Jews - any link to the nation by foreigners who do not owe their religion First: the building of a mosque city The first thing is keen upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him after his emigration to the city is to build the mosque to show the rituals of Islam , which has long fought , and prayers that bind one Lord of the Worlds was not the goal of the Prophet peace be upon him find a place to worship only ; Islamic religion makes the whole earth a mosque for the Muslims , but the task of the mosque was deeper than this , I wanted the Prophet peace be upon him to build a house of God and a house for all Muslims, which they gather for worship and consultation with matter is Islam and the Islamic state , and make the decisions , and discuss the problems , and greet the delegations tribes The ambassadors of the kings and princes from here and there , and the way the modern era took the seat of government in the city , the mosque was in this situation like a school learns where Muslims , and mixed with them and mentality Has bought the Prophet peace be upon him land the mosque of the lads - my friend in tow - which Onacht deceased Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him has also mentioned, and the father of the Prophet peace be upon him to accept their gift , and the work of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him in the construction of the mosque , was transferred milk and stones himself , and redeemed by the Muslims and the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says God be merciful and immigrant supporters do not live only live Hereafter The Muslims were pleased with their enthusiasm doubles happy to see them in action prophet straining Kahdhm and dislikes that characterized them , were seeking hair , saying, That work for us and misleading While Qadna Prophet works And make the Prophet peace be upon him along the mosque the following direction to the rear hundred arm and sides like it or below it , and to make the basis of close to three arms and then his sons milk , make accepted to Jerusalem , and made him a three-door , and made mayor of logs and roof Bajerid He built houses in addition to the mosque , and when he finished construction moved the Prophet peace be upon him from the house of Abu Ayyub to dwellings after that he stayed in the house of Abu Ayyub seven months as mentioned Waaqidi was in the mosque into a shady shelter to the poor, the so-called character and his family are the so-called people of character and was peace be upon him at night Vivrgahm invite them to his companions to their need and not enough with him and dine with him a range of them peace be upon him Second: fraternity The next step is to link the nation interrelated and represent it in the fraternity between immigrants and supporters , and the establishment of the Association of Fraternity and the Association of religion has replaced the Association of the tribe and tribalism true to the verse: The believers are brothers and the proximity between some tribes, immigrants and others , as near between the Aws and Khazraj ; The wars between them before Islam is strong, and not only that, but my brother between the Arabs and the pro instance between my brother and his uncle Hamza Zaid bin Haritha and Abu Darda and Salman the Persian The result was that formed family Islamic one does not diet , but for Islam , and fell differences proportions , color, nation and achieved the unity of the city and hit the Muslim ideal of cooperation and the European Union , says the son of Isaac : My brother and the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him between the owners of immigrants and supporters , said it peace: fraternised in Gods brothers then took the two brothers , however, Ali ibn Abi Talib said, this is my brother The racing fans in Maakhah immigrants until it was interpreted to the ballot , but altruism , it was from the Ansar tolerance and altruism and immigrants abstinence and self-esteem , nobility Al-Bukhaari , when they gave the city brothers Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him between Abdul Rahman bin Auf and Saad bin spring , said Saad Abdul Rahman : I am more Ansar money Voksm Mali halves Crown two women see Ojbhma you Vsmha me fired if passed to them Wiczugea , said Abdul Rahman Ibn Auf : God bless you in your family and the owner , where your market ? Offered the market built Kinka what turned only his preferred from the pickup and margarine then continued Aldo , and then came the day and has the effect of zero ( no decorations ) The Prophet said: Mhim ? ( A question about the case ) said : I got married , he said: How nourished it? , said the nucleus of gold Says Ben values : It was who my brother Prophet peace be upon him , including ninety men , half of whom are immigrants, half of them from the Ansar brothers , including the sympathy , and inherit after death without people with wombs until the Battle of Badr , when he came down the words of God : and Oulu wombs each first some in the book of God s response to the inheritance of the uterus without a contract brotherhood Third, the treaty between the Muslims and the Jews The third thing which is linked to the nation to foreigners by those who do not believe in their religion , the Prophet peace be upon him before willingly of their presence , and the holding of the Prophet peace be upon him treaty with the Jews that are present in the city , agreed with them where their religion and their money and condition them and condition them, and was the basis of this treaty of brotherhood in peace , the defense of the city in time of war , and full cooperation between the two teams if I got one of them or both of the severity of But the Jews did not keep Bahdhm forced to meet the Prophet peace be upon him to war and evacuate the city as we shall see in the following pages Legislation Ears The Muslims gather for prayers in the timing uninvited , understanding Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him when he presented the city that makes the bugler bugle Jews who call upon him for their prayers and then hated , then ordered Bnaqos Vnkht to strike the Muslim prayer , while they are on it as he saw Abdullah bin Zaid Rev ears came the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said to him: O Messenger of Allah, he cruised by me this night Careers man passed by me it Thawbaan Okhaddran Naqosa holds in his hand and said, O Abdullah Otabie this bell ? He said: What will you do ? He said: I call on the people to prayer , he said: Would not the Odlk better than that? I said: What is it? Said : said : Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar - God is great God is great - I bear witness that there is no god but Allah - I bear witness that there is no god but Allah - I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah - I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God - Come to prayer - Come to prayer - come to the farmer - come to the farmer - Allahu Akbar - God is great - there is no god but Allah When told by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said it was the right vision , God willing, do it with Bilal Volgaha Vlaazn it by Andy votes you When authorized by Bilal heard Umar ibn al- Khattab, a house went to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him , dragging robe says : O Prophet of Allah and told him what I saw like that saw the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him : thank God for that. It was said that the revelation descended upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ears . And was named Bilal bin Rabah Habashi s ears was the muezzin, peace be upon him Jihad for the sake of the call We knew that Islam had entered the city and parties haunted disbelief of each hand , and that Muslims have migrated from Mecca after fleeing their creed and narrowed them down to the ground , including welcomed ; has looted their money and robbed of their role and have been exposed to harm the colors and forms of persecution and the types of sedition Migration permission sacrifice was expensive dear sacrificed migrants homelands , money and heirlooms for the sake of their faith and religion , and endured all that unhappy with Sabrine Mahzben to build a new society and the establishment of an Islamic state in the city, Muslims can live where free performing the rites of their religion and are on duty to call to God Hence, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him as soon as he arrived in the city began to lay the foundations that can be performed by the new building of the Islamic state as mentioned , does the city was not Zahra forks in it? Does free of dangers and obstacles placed in front of the enemies of Islam and Muslims to the Prophet Neil them and then tried to eliminate them as the people of Mecca by them ? No, God the sacrifice is not over and that the suffering did not stop ; has faced Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him maliciousness and plots in the city of the enemies of Islam , and colluded on the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him Jews have broke their covenant with the Prophet and took them and on continued from the hypocrites and polytheists are waiting for the believers and show loyalty to the polytheists of Mecca Here we take a light quickly and passing reference to the circumstances faced by the Prophet peace be upon him after his arrival in the city and trying to do things that their new nation , that the circumstances in which no one from the Muslim cause and which were imposed on them in the end, be wary Akbaha and bear arms in defense of what scheming them Kidd and of conspiracy and aggression ; that they have learned from the years that have passed them in Mecca that included weakness to shame sleigh to sedition , and that the enemies of Islam do not accept for eradication and alternative followers A - hostility to Jews Messenger We mentioned that the Prophet peace be upon him holding a covenant with the Jews after arriving to the city decided to freedom of belief of the Jews, and the policy to be followed by the Jews with the Muslims to cooperate and Altnasser each of the raid Yathrib There is no doubt that the Prophet peace be upon him had hoped to commit to the Jews in this era and not show them hostility or guile to Muslims as people of the book , and that the call of the Prophet were not stranger to call Moses and all the prophets before him ; They all meet on faith prophecies and faith in resurrection and advocacy to morals and good deeds , as well as the Prophet peace be upon him called to faith prophets of Israel , he says: { all Ouamn in God and His angels , His Books, His Messengers do not differentiate between one of the messengers } but the Jews stood always of Islam hostile causes them First: What it printed Jews of envy and rigidity and ruggedness , and after about Hedayat sky Second, they saw the Muslims a serious competitor will spend on their leaders and religious superiority economic in the city , especially after the successful Muslims in the field of trade success brought good treatment and adherence to Islamic ethics in buying and selling , which is no longer allowed to ethics Jews of fraud, antitrust and fraud to achieve its purpose , delayed progress where Jews , Muslims , raising Dharama in the hearts of the Jews Third: What are displayed Quran to the Jews , while the detection of beliefs false and morals degenerate , and expose their history sinful to kill the prophets and their oppression and Ttolhm and disobedience , and distortion of the Torah and their eagerness to life , and other things that an asset by the Koran them and increased their hatred to the Prophet peace be upon him and reached their anger range while some were surprised by the Islam of their rabbis and scholars as a slave of Allah ibn Salaam , and was of them standing I started a war of controversy between the Prophet peace be upon him and the Jews most of Dada and more subtle than the war debate waged by the Prophet peace be upon him before that in Mecca , the Jews were the Atanton and trying to confuse truth with falsehood , as well as Jews tried to drive a wedge between the Aws and Khazraj ... and other such matters faced by the Muslims , and that it was necessary for them to preserve themselves and their religion , to prepare to confront them constantly B - the hypocrites in the city He faced the Prophet peace be upon him , and Muslims in the city as well as a runner Jews a new attitude was not for Muslims era in Mecca , which is hypocrisy in Mecca , Islam was helplessly and the polytheists powerful dictators in control of everything and are fighting the Muslims and Aadhunhm face to face , there was no field the hypocrisy and prevarication in the city has become a Muslim state income and many of its people in Islam and Islam has become a stream where a landslide often , it was not easy to profess hostility to Muslims and highlight the face of blatant rivalry Hence found hypocrites who have demonstrated faith and Ibtnoa disbelief and declared loyalty and support for Muslims and harbored hostility and maliciousness them , and walked with knees They hide their intentions twisted and diseased hearts and hatred of black He was at the head of these hypocrites Abdullah ibn Abi Bin Salool , this man who did not open his heart to the light of faith and did not allow himself to be honest with God and His Prophet , did not respond to the call of the Prophet repeated renounce hypocrisy and adherence to loyalty and honesty , but remained captive to the desires of ephemeral and leaders of transient and a deep hatred possessed by the heart and the same Ibn Hisham : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him the city and master her family Abdullah ibn Abi Bin Salool Awfi ... did not meet the Aws and Khazraj before or after the man other than one of the two teams , until Islam came and it was his people had organized his beads to Atojoh then Amkouh them , came to them , God in His Messenger peace be upon him who are on it , and when he went out of his people with him to Islam venomous and saw that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him may Astalph king, when he saw his people may refuse only Islam entered the reluctant , insisting on the hypocrisy and venomous The claims of this man front hypocrites who have been put out and Ahaathm Erajifam between Muslims and were dangerous and any threat to this emerging new society , making the Prophet peace be upon him , Muslims warned them permanently because they are more dangerous to Islam and Muslims, the enemies of the Mujahideen C - runner polytheists hard In addition to what took Muslims in the city of Jews and hypocrites runner at home , there was a runner who Tzaamthm idolaters of Quraish in parts of the Arabian Peninsula Faced with this open hostility and about all this hatred of Islam and Muslims and with the multiplicity of these fronts that assist each other to finish off Islam and Muslims , it was necessary for Muslims to prepare and equip themselves for a long struggle and the struggle lasted , and Atahbwa for any emergency ; for it proceeded Jihad and permission to fight for Muslims to twelve nights ago from zero of the second year of migration to defend and protect the right to call only did not impose on them Went down the words of God says: { So for those who fight because they have wronged and God on the power to the victory * who have been driven from their homes unjustly only because they believe in God } It is the first thing that has been revealed in the fighting , and after that came the permission to fight alerted the Prophet peace be upon him to fight , but that is only for defense and that those who have not fought without fights them . He says : { And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you not transgress God does not love aggressors } And thus was not the Prophet peace be upon him exposed only to the Quraysh without the rest of the Arabs , and when combined Musharko Arabs in their hostility to Islam and putting them hatred of the Prophet peace be upon him , and hatred for religion, God commanded to fight the polytheists all saying the Almighty in Repentance : { And fight the polytheists all as fight against you all } As overturn the citys Jews Testament who took the Apostle peace be upon him , and they joined the Quraysh polytheists to fight , came down the verse: { either Tkhaven of people who betrayed them Vanbz on whether God does not love the treacherous } Although the beholder to the verses of fighting in general in the Koran believes that fighting in Islam did not impose only for two reasons : self-defense , and insurance advocacy and stability of the state Thus, the jihad that the laws of Islam and fought Muslims battles Ashraf types of jihad and Okdsha because jihad of self-defense and the right and that Jihad oppressors, tyrants , it is not a chattel has not been prescribed to entertain even maligned Muslims but it is mandated and struggle , suffering and sacrifice borne Muslims maintain the right of God and the right to life has forced so forceful Hence , what is echoed by the enemies of Islam , past and present that Islam was spread by the sword the claim is false is not based on a fair and search a careful look fair , but the plain fact is that Islam triumphed over the sword The scientific reasoning and induction historical wars fought by Islam at the time of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him proved that it was an obligation to protect the right and injustice and to prevent sedition and suppress tyrants and crumb mighty , and invasions that seem to appear as the attack did not attack them , but for the initiative to defend after confirmation of breaking the covenant and the intention to insist on fighting the Muslims , which is called in the language of the age of Defense Shield As will be remembered from the battles that took place between Muslims and others refutes all libel and removes all likeness , God Almighty Saraya and invasions
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 13:43:15 +0000

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