Testimonies: By Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah Let me share with - TopicsExpress


Testimonies: By Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah Let me share with you my testimony: I went to cote devoir and to the capital city that is Abidjan. It was raining and the border between Ghana and Cote devoir was closed expect flying by air. I stepped in Cote devoir and many people from its neighboring countries came to my program. Some be men of God, bishops. Etc. As I was ministering the Lord said to me, ‘’my son if Elijah/ Elisha declared there shouldn’t be any rain for three and half years and then said there must be rain and it did happen, then my son, because of this dispensation of the time of the Holy Ghost, you can also base on this and say ‘let the border be open’ for this huge number of people that are coming to listen to you and for them to not use illegal means to get here’’. Do you know happened? I told them that before the end of my programme the border was going to be opened because the Lord says so. In the evening, it was announced on TV while I was still at the hotel that the border had been opened. The people I prophesied to, all came to me to report to me that the prophecy had come to pass. The boarder has then been opened. About the rain, I told them that the rain was going to stop within an hour and it did happen. Afterwards, I told them that until I finish with my programme there will be no rain in Cote devoir and it did happen. After my programme I asked them if they want the rain to continue, and the majority of them said yes. So I said, on my way back to Ghana, it is going to rain. Immediately I began to go, it started raining. This shows that our God is a real. He is still working in the days of Elijah. There has been some time in Ghana, I had at least three messages before the election and I had to base on this. It was about our president, and I declared the results even before the election and the years he will be spending in office. I don’t belong to any political party, but I know one thing, that is; it is good to give honour to men of God for them to bring you to the top. Because God says that, those who humble themselves he’ll bring them to the top. Its component didn’t contact God’s servant so I had to use the power God has given to me to be able to use to bless him and to extend his years up eight more years. Now he has four more years to spend apart from this year’s time. This is because I have committed myself. Not that the president has no negative sides, he does, and so does everyone. Brethren let’s check our negative sides and offer all to God. About Ghana facing challenges, Places where burning. I went before God and the Lord told me that the last place to burn was going to be the castle, where the president stays. I had to alert people and fast for 42 days as I was led by the spirit of God, that is why I recommend these books to you ’’anointing to solve problems’’, ‘’creative mind’’ and ‘’creative word’’. Every problem differs from the way it goes by solving. I had to solve that problem, it was a crucial problem. A lot of people were talking here and there, I went to God and He said to fast for 42 days. During the 42 days the problem became worse and I told the people around me that no matter how worse it is, the Lord has given me a direction to stop and I know it will stop. Today as I’m talking, after the fasting by the grace of God, since that time we have never heard of any fire outbreaks. This is how powerful God is. The same thing applies to the electricity, the Lord asked me to fast for 21 days. Whiles everyone was readily getting their generators the Lord told me to get back to Him and He will solve that problem. I asked God what I needed to do and He said to fast for 21 days. After the fasting, in the course of the 21 days fasting, the problems stopped by the grace of God I even witnesses. Last testimony: a woman of God called from the USA (she will be coming down to Ghana to see me, the same way you can also do the same, but be led by the spirit of God). This woman of God said they’ve been asked to vacate the place where they have their services. I don’t know her anywhere, and she still called me anyway to give her directions. I gave her direction and she obeyed it, within 2 days she called to say they have a new beautiful place and that they are going to send all the members there. Praise and honour be to GOD. I’m here to encourage you that your problem can be solved, if you want solutions to your problems, reach God’s servant today, and reach to his address. Jesus said I came to destroy every work of the devil, so every action of the devil must come to an end today. I was there one Saturday, even though I have been to my late president’s office just to go and bless him. You can’t go to a prominent person without having something in your hand that is why the wise men had to hold something in the hands. Being there was not to beg him but to channel blessings physically and spiritually. I didn’t ask for his number. He received me very nicely, glory and honour to God. As at that time I was walking with a bishop and he said that the way the security seemed to be very tight I should be careful. He was shaking. In the end everything was successful. You know, entering into a castle is not a small thing. A year later I was suppose to go and meet the president but I couldn’t make it. I was there one day and the Lord said to me that our president was going to die. I referred it to the people around me and repeated and repeated. If I had his number I would have given him direction but I didn’t so I had to put it in prayer, and the lord told me it was due to pressure and he needed direction. He needed direction but it was too late. In all we give glory and honour to God for he is a Christian and that he will be in heaven. What about you? When I was young I was a bread seller, I used to sell alongside a boy (a Muslim) who was also a bread seller. The boy whom I was selling with lost something of his and accused me of stealing it, the one who actually took it kept on denying and later, the boy’s mother decided to curse. His family performed all kinds of rituals, I didn’t talk much though. All my confidence was based only on God. They did all they had to do and kept accusing me. Finally the rituals started working; everyone noticed it when the boy fell seriously ill and later died. By the grace of God I’m still alive; I never thought I was going to be a man of God. Glory and honour to God! God knew I had a purpose in life that is why I am still living. And I know anyone out there who is still breathing; God has a purpose for you. Somewhere in Ghana, there is a river. If your life is like that of Jabez, they will put you in and you’ll die because the river is known to hate people like Jabez. God was able to change that lifestyle of the people because He is God of global mindset Fourth testimony: I want to use this testimony to encourage someone whether it is hard to support some ministers who are suffering, whether you are going through a lot to still be on course for the Lord. It was about a pastor who has grown pass my age going through a lot in ministry but he has been in ministry more than 50, 60 years but still struggling. I used to bless his ministry, and I used to bless his family and in general, he had never had passport, never travelled before. He really loves me and cherishes my ministry. I used to take him to wherever I went for ministry; it got to a point of travelling with him to another country. Declaring words upon his life and it got to a point he had five years visa to travel to the USA, it was a prophecy given by me into his life that the lord will take him to USA. Brethren in the lord, learn from this short testimony from this man of God. He is truly a man of God that is why I truly love him also. One thing I learnt from him is that he is very respectful, honest, humble, it does not matter his age, he served me. There was no where I would send him and he will not go, he used to tell people ‘’this is the man of God whom God has used to make my love’’. Not only him but others as well, many men of and I’m still doing it by the grace of God, it is good to do good. The Lord has used me to be a blessing to thousands of people and may God continue to help me to be able to do more for the rest of the ministers who are also going through tough times like the above statement. Now I may be free to be able to help other ones that are also going through a lot, faithfully but not unfaithfully, as the bible stated in the book of Mathew. Anyone who has also put in mind of helping any minister has been good and faithful servant of God, that person’s life should not be the same, I pray for you. But if it happened that, that man of God is not faithful servant, you are wasting your resource. Please stop wasting your resources. Try to bring the real ones up, wherever they are. Today I saw a police man who had his own private car and there were a lot of people standing who had no vehicles to carry them to their destinations. And this police man offered them hands without collecting anything from them. Here in Africa, I asked myself if this police man did this in Africa than how much more we the men of God. People thought in Africa, police men only take bribes, this police man turned the whole mind of people within Africa that it’s not only based on bribe but goodness is also taking place here to help and support. This has empowered me to do more good and to support and to bring the down ones to the top and to remain at the top. The same thing applies to most pastors I’m working with in my ministry, I did the training myself to bring them to where they are today. They are not from elsewhere. I let them learn from me to train others like Jesus did. Because the bible says at this time this things will continue, 2 Tim 3:1-9 ‘’ Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, to Timothy, my dearly beloved son; grace, mercy and peace from God the father and Christ Jesus. I thank God whom I serve from my fore fathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day; greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears that I may be filled with joy; when I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also. Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began’’ "If your faith in leadership is quality you produce quality-result". Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah I will always like you to address yourself periodically in order for you to know, check through mirrors that will help you stop any negative practice or behavior that seem to be controversial in your own entire life. Romans 6:13, give yourself completely to God, vs. 13, if you give yourself half way to God you may encounter half of God. If you fully give yourself to God, you will encounter full of God. Declare to yourself using Romans 6:14 ‘’I’m free! I’m free! I’m free!’’ thirty times. You can choose your own master. Romans 6:16, we can commit ourselves to obey Christ in perfect freedom, all is in our hands. Without Jesus, we will have no choice and we will still be apprentice to sin and have apprenticeship certificate of sin and the results will continue to be suffering, guilty and separation from God. Isaiah 59:2 Serve God and not sin because serving sin will lead you to long life of suffering because I want you to enjoy God with His blessings. I determine it as unstoppable blessings within this year. Be God’s apprentice. With the global mindset in Christ you are to dodge all above statement for you to stay on course for the Lord in order for you to get the deeds of heaven. It is my wish and prayer for you. One sister who led me to the Lord years ago told me one thing I will not forget, she said one day we will meet in heaven. Let me take this opportunity to address you with the same word. Hoping to hear from you wherever you are by using the below address. Stay blessed. I hope you have been blessed through this ministration. I pray that God gives you the global mindset to operate across the world. God richly bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR SALVATION NOW!!!!!!!! Say this prayer; ‘’Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross to take away my sins. I am sorry for all the wrong things I have done. I ask you to please come into my heart and live in my heart forever. I am trusting you right now to make my heart clean and I take you to be my very own Lord and Saviour in Jesus’ name, Amen. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! YOU ARE A BELIEVER NOW! Power Life Prophetic Ministries Post Office Box Dc 936 Dansoman Market, Accra. Ghana, West Africa. Website: jesusfm921 Email:powerlifepropheticministries@yahoo
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 04:40:14 +0000

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