Testimony 1: Praise the Lord Mighty Women of God and Mothers of - TopicsExpress


Testimony 1: Praise the Lord Mighty Women of God and Mothers of Nations. For me 2014 was a bittersweet year. Had hardships here and there but by Gods grace his miracles and testimonies in my life overshadowed the hardships and difficulties. Firstly ever since I was a child I have always had a dream of buying my own house. So in 2013 I did try to buy a house in SA but I was unsuccessful due to complications and circumstances beyond my control starting from being wrongly blacklisted due to my medical aid error. As if that wasnt enough had applied for a 100% mortgage but bank only approved 50%. Hence I had to let the house go in 2013.Fast forward to 2014 I went back home in Zimbabwe during the second half of the year and was advised that a Bank in Zimbabwe was giving diaspora based residences mortgage. So I decided to apply for it and within a month everything was approved with 75% mortgage and by Gods grace I had in my personal savings the 25% deposit required. This taught me a valuable lesson that in life Gods timing and our timing may be different because in his perfect time all things work Together for our Good. DELAY DOESNT EQUAL DENIAL. TESTIMONY 2 Was in a relationship with someone I dearly loved but to him it was all a joke and time pushing. Believe you me the red flags were there but as someone who was madly in love with someone I fooled myself and decided to hang on even though I could see there was no future. To the extent of going extra mile to help the person. Anyway early this year the person got a better job well paid so decided I was of no use to them since they had now made it in life. So just like that I was dumped with no words but just silent treatment. I cried myself silly asking God why me to an extent that I couldnt even pray but just cry whenever I tried to pray. Thought my Lord God had deserted and forgotten about me. In due course it so happened I met a guy and we were friends for a sometime and he would tell me he is interested in me but I would just tell it as is I am fed up just want to focus on my career and my life. Months went by and he still stuck around and I was thinking to myself whats wrong with this guy,there plenty plus girls why me,even tried to frustrate him and be rude to him to push him away as I was afraid of being hurt again. Eventually I came to my senses and I am the happiest woman on earth. Never been treated with such respect and loved unconditional by a person with no ulterior motive. I am beyond happy and I am trusting God that 2015 I will be getting married for with Jesus nothing is impossible. LESSON LEARNT. IN LIFE WE MAY HAVE TO LET GO OF WHAT WE ARE HOLDING IN OUR HANDS THAT WE AS HUMANS THINK WE NEED TO LET GOD GIVE US WHAT HE KNOWS FOR CERTAIN WE NEED AND IS GOOD FOR US. LAST BUT NOT LEAST I PRAY THAT THE LORD GOD WILL RICHLY BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE ONE OF YOU BEAUTIFUL LADIES AND ALL YOUR FAMILIES AND MEET EACH ONE AT THEIR POINT OF NEED IN 2015 AND THE REST OF YOUR LIVES.THIS I DECREE AND DECLARE IN JESUS NAME AMEN.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:02:45 +0000

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