***Testimony Suhvice from Stay Home Baptist*** - TopicsExpress


***Testimony Suhvice from Stay Home Baptist*** Ok...so...remember the golf tournament was supposed to cover the cost for purchasing items for the Civitan Family Life Development Center...aka as The Store House...well anyway...We have been blessed with more abundance and favor than we could have possibly paid for with money. So a lady named Anne calls me back I was looking to purchase some CHEAP racks for clothing. She says I want to know what ur doing. I tell her very simply giving away stuff to those who need a little help. We will take donations if they are able but that is freewill except for the church suites. She says, the racks are sold but I have a few hangers and a few boxes of books, will you come to liberty for that? Me: Well YESSS, lol. We are so grateful for anything u can give. She says it should all fit in the back of a pick up. Me: Ok. Well, she says I probably have a few clothes I would like to give I said we will just bring the trailer. Long story short.Anne and these 3 lovely ladies UNLOADED the store into our trailer and the back of our truck. These are not junk clothes, these are EZTRENELY nice consignment store items....EXCUSE ME WHILE I SHOUT AS GOD DO WHAT HE WANTS TO DO!!!! He said this shall be and HE HAS made it so, regardless of me or anybody else. So....make all the plans you want, but be open to accept the idea that Gods plan may look different than yours...but HE has already worked it out, FAVOR AINT FAIR. Cattle on a thousand hills. Odell D. Talley will u please get on the organ? I am bout ta dance til my clothes fall off. HIYAAAAAAA.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 03:55:18 +0000

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