Testimony: This last weekend in revival God really blew my mind - TopicsExpress


Testimony: This last weekend in revival God really blew my mind and asked me to do some very specific things. I don’t know if He was testing my obedience to do something that didnt make sense to me or to stretch me a little more outside a comfort zone. Regardless, the reward was great and I wanted to share this so that if anyone that reads this ever feels led to do something that you think is silly, odd, different, etc. I say JUST DO IT!!! Friday night we went to a new location and with that there was a uncertainty of how the atmosphere would be. I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the Family Of The Faith Church they were very hospitable and welcoming and I could sense and smell a thick layer of prayer that was from years of saints praying,digging, plowing, and warring for their city and more. Needless to say intercessory prayer was awesome that night and as I came out to grab my second row seat before service I felt the Holy Spirit tell me I want you to go outside. I went outside and looked at the overflow crowd and was like ok cool and started to walk back in and the Holy Spirit stopped me again and said “Are you going to go back to your seat of privilege or stay out here in the overflow section and after that I decided I might better camp outside. I noticed several other intercessors outside praying and thought well I guess the Spirit must of told them to stay too. Then the sound system started to mess up and I sensed a great discouragement in a lot of the audience outside. Mrs. Bonnie came to me and locked arms with mine and we started to pray for God to fix audio system and the minute we prayed that prayer it started back up. Then I felt led for us to prayer a very odd prayer that came to me and finally it made sense to me why God had made me stay outside. He put the scripture from Matthew 19:30-” But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.” I prayed this over the crowd and asked God to give them a special blessing for having to be outside in a lesser privileged place of the service and within five minutes Damon Thompson stood inside and said the he felt led for everyone to go outside with everyone else. I was told that everyone picked their chairs up and ran outside quickly with everyone else and the service was amazing! I am so thankful that in this revival we have a group of leaders that are willing to move with the Holy Spirit at a moments notice and while most ministers wouldn’t have done what Damon Thompson, Rick Curry, Chris Mathis and the others did; because they would have worried what everyone else would think or how hard and long it might take to re-set up these men of God obeyed and the transition was smooth and seamless and I think it was all switched over within five minutes and the service just continued on like it had never been any other way!!! THAT”S GOD!!! GOD LITERALLY FLIPPED THE SERVICE UPSIDE DOWN AND MADE THE FIRST LAST AND THE LAST FIRST!!! HE HAS SUCH A SENSE OF HUMOR.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:30:03 +0000

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