Testimony Tuesday: I normally don’t do this but God lead me to - TopicsExpress


Testimony Tuesday: I normally don’t do this but God lead me to share this and pray this testimony encourages someone: My baby Raji Jones has allergies really bad, back in June his eyes got really red and he said they hurt, so we went to the emergency room. They gave him so drops to help and scheduled him to see an eye doctor at Central Illinois Vision Center and a script for eye drops. His eyes got worse and he could hardly see out of his left eye and his right eye was strained. Raji keep working without any complaints. But after 4 appointments the dr. scheduled him to see a specialist in Peoria, pulse have some blood work done. This began to worry Raji, he asked me one day “mom why did this happen to me, what did I do to deserve this.” I told him son, you did nothing wrong, it’s called life. I told him son you are going to be fine and God is going to heal you. Family, church family all sent up prayer for him. Last night Raji said mom, a week ago I couldnt see what was in front of my face. Today my vision is getting better. Things are still blurry but I see things that I couldnt see, thank God. (Direct quote). He had his second appt. today in Peoria, report: His eyes are healing. God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all…………
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 19:20:28 +0000

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