Testimony Tuesday: Sorry, this is a long one. Back in 2006, I was - TopicsExpress


Testimony Tuesday: Sorry, this is a long one. Back in 2006, I was working as a B2B salesperson. I was very good at it, making a better than average or medium salary. The problem was, I had no money sense. I made a lot, but poor money management skills allowed me to spend a lot. One Friday, on payday, I left work for lunch to run to the bank, make a withdrawal, pay bills, etc. Forty fime minutes later, on my way back to work, I realized I was broke. It upset me so, I started crying on my way back to work; crying and praying. I asked God to take the wheel. I confessed that I was making a mess of my finances, and I needed him to step in and straighten me out. Four days later, Tuesday 4/12/06, again Id left work during lunch. This time to pick my son up from my apartment, to take him to the airport. Hed just gotten a new job, and had to attend training in Maryland. They were flying him home every weekend, then back on Tuesday. As I got closer to my apartment complex, I noticed helicopters circling near a huge plume of black smoke. I appeared to be in the area in which I was headed. I turned into my complex and realized there was a fire in my complex. As I drove further into the complex, I realized it was very close to my apartment. Then I ran into a road block. The fire engines and police were there, keeping everyone away from the area. My first and only concern at that point; where was my son? I parked my car, and stood behind the barricade. About 15 minutes later, I saw my son walking toward me, with our little schnauzer on a leash. I was relieved. For the next three hours we stood there as the firemen battle this raging fire. It was a beautiful, sunny day, but the wind was very high. Now the fire was across the courtyard from my building about 500 feet away. So the whole time were standing there, Im thinking we didnt sustain any damage from the fire, just smoke damage at the most. The whole time I am saying aloud, Thank you Jesus. I know you have not brought me to this, to leave me now, so Im thanking you right now for the blessing you are about to grant me. The red cross came and set up a table in the office. They had a list of of all the buildings that sustained damage. Mine was listed, but I still didnt believe it had caught fire, because it was so far away. Well, once the fire was extinguished, my son and I thought wed sneak into our building to rescue the luggage hed left sitting by the door, as he was waiting to go to the airport. His contact lenses had become cloudy from standing there watching the fire for so long. When we ducked past and through the barricade, behind the buildings wed saw burning, only to see on the other side of the courtyard, where our building once stood, was a concrete slab. Yep, all I had in this world were the clothes Id worn to work that morning. Remember, I was already broke. No money, no clothes, no shelter, no food, nothing. That day 75 families, 125 people were burned out. Many may be thinking, well you had renters insurance right? Wrong! However, remember the prayer I spoken to God 4 days earlier? That night by 9:00 I was so sleepy, I could not hold my eyes open. The Red Cross had put us in a hotel room for the night. As much as I needed to do, I couldnt hold my eyes open to think straight. I know now, it was God telling me to Peace be Still. To wrap this up. That night a total stranger gave me a $500 gift card. My first purchase; a Bible and a pair of tennis shoes. Over the next 3 days, donations were pouring in. Talk about my cup runneth over! I was receiving so many gifts and donations, I assisted the apartment complex set a fair, for donations for all the families that were burned out. We literally had 3 semi tractor trailers full of donations. What Id been struggling to hold on to for 20 years, God whiped out in a matter of a breath, in just a few hours. Then he replaced and replenished everything Id lost in 3 days. I had a brand new apartment, that was w/i walking distance of my job. My son, daughter, and I had closets full of brand new clothes. My apartment was fully furnished, down to TVs and DVD players in every bedroom and the den. What was so amazing is everything matched. Everything was color coordinated. My apartment looked like a model house in a fashion magazine. Not to mention, I had close to $5000 in the bank. When I returned to work a week later, I learned that in my absence, my sells had continue to roll in, and Id exceeded my sells quota for the month, with 10 days yet to go, which meant another $5000 commission check for the month. So when I tell you about how good God is, Im not talking about what Ive heard, Im telling you what I know. God answers prayer, and hes always right on time. AMEN
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:16:38 +0000

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